I really don’t watch many new TV shows. Besides brilliantly amazing shows like the Family Guy and Stella, I pretty much stick to syndication. TBS is ingenious; the other day they tricked me into watching two episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond, and I don’t even like that show that much! Typically, all the jokes are just way too slow-paced, but sometimes an episode will hold my interest. During the credits of one such episode, the intro to another one started. Before I knew it, I had ingested a whole hour of this show.
But I suppose that’s the beauty of syndication… mass episodes! Rather than watch the entire Seinfeld series again, I thought I’d try a show that was entirely new to me. I’ve recently adopted King of Queens. I think the show is pretty good, plus it’s on when I usually eat dinner. So now, I get two new episodes every day. It’s like a DVD set, but free.
There was an episode the other day where the king’s wife has a miscarriage. It’s always weird when a show tries to broach a topic like this. The odd tension between the superficial nature of a sitcom and an attempt to give its characters significant depth. Somewhat reminiscent of weird, lame Livejournal entries, actually.
Yea-Ming says these entries are simply honest, which is not necessarily weird or lame. I disagree to some degree. Please do not for a moment think I am bearing my soul to the world wide web. Even in my opinions on such topics could be fully articulated in one little LJ entry, I don’t think I’d want to. I’ve just been in a weird mood lately, and felt like writing something, but was tired of describing shows or whatever. Weird mood? Yes, you caught me… I’ve been reading Double Duce.