This will be forever ongoing sob. Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to be added!
❤ = Love/Affection
☼ = Friendship/Bro-status
♦ = Interest/Curiosity
♨ = Neutral/No real opinion yet
⚠ = Uneasy/Doubt/Possible conflict
☠ = Dislike
❤ ❤ ☼ ⚠
CHINA [Yao Wāng]
peonymarket The man Hong Kong considers his father and teacher almost more than he does an elder brother, he genuinely loves and respects China and wants to make him proud- despite his trolling and tendency to be disrespectful towards the old man and slight resentment over being treated like a little boy still. However, having a China from the 1700s puts Hong Kong in a very awkward position. Having been through so very many changes, it feels like an age since the days of his childhood with his brother-father- despite it being hardly any time at all in nation terms- and he has yet to reveal any details of what becomes of him in the future. He feels a certain distance because of this and deep down remains a little anxious and unsure around him. He wants to be honest with him, but at the present time takes the policy that what China doesn't know won't hurt him and Hong Kong will continue to remain silent on the issue unless specifically asked.
❤ ❤ ☼ ☼
TAIWAN [Xiǎoméi Wāng]
naichaa Aside from the other SAR, Macau, Taiwan is the sibling Hong Kong feels closest to. She is the closest to his age and thus he tends to see her as being more on the same level as him and as that of a friend. Despite any acting to the contrary, he loves spending time with her and takes way too much enjoyment out of annoying, insulting, embarrassing and just generally trolling her if it means he gets the most attention and he's often jealous of her closeness to Japan. She's probably one of very few individuals who could quite easily wrap him around her little finger with very little effort and boss him around as much as she likes. Being stuck in a pretty damn horrific town like Mayfield and having Taiwan come back with no memories of the place, Hong Kong probably feels more inclined to be protective of her- not that she needs it or he'd be much use. None of this will get in the way of his trolling duties if he can help it though.
❤ ♦ ♦ ⚠ ☠
JAPAN [Kiku Honda]
politerudeness This is a complicated one. Hong Kong hates Japan for what happened in WW2, but at the same time still cares about him as a younger brother should. The SAR secretly admires a lot of things about him, particularly the games, toys and fashion of his house and they probably have more in common then he'd ever care to admit. If it weren't for the events of the past, Hong Kong would probably slightly more openly admire and respect his brother- as much as that's possible for a troll like him to do that anyway- and get on with him pretty well. As it stands though, he chooses to hold a grudge and that probably won't be changing any time soon. He still likes to spend time with him for the sake of trolling though, so there is some hope and sign of improvement there.
❤ ♦ ⚠
VIETNAM [Sen Tuyên Lương]
lotuslife Having gotten to know his estranged elder sister a little more, Vietnam has officially been added to the trolling target list- almost rivalling China and England. Yes, she's pretty terrifying and he still hasn't quite gotten over her climbing through his broken bedroom window (after she shot it...) at some ungodly hour of the morning with a knife, but if anything she's always entertaining? He understands that she's been through unimaginable hardships and is genuinely fond of her and did his best to help her citizens that fled to his house during her conflict with America. Hong Kong finds that awkward, derpy, techno and socially retarded side of her quite endearing and probably wouldn't mind spending more time with the crazy old lady if he had to, despite the obvious differences in beliefs and policies.
❤ ☼ ♦
taegeuk So he's a little annoying and trying to get him to understand when he's being sarcastic is like beating your head against a brick wall and the conversations can be pretty exhausting, but Hong Kong actually likes Korea a lot and maybe doesn't find him as intolerable as some of his other siblings... In small doses. It helps when you're this chilled out most of the time. They're not too far apart age wise and physically there doesn't appear to be much of an age gap at all and they get on as well as two teenagers do and in some ways Hong Kong actually looks up to Korea. He's strong for one thing and some of his music and fashion can be pretty cool... Not that Hong Kong is likely to say this to his face.
❤ ❤ ☼ ⚠
ENGLAND [Arthur Kirkland]
is_an_island They didn't get off to the best of starts, but Hong Kong genuinely is fond of England and cares about him, even if he sees him as a complete loser with horrible taste in clothes and as the evil bearer of the tweed suit. They parted pretty amicably when the SAR was returned to China and their relationship is still pretty positive nowadays, with Hong Kong being an important link in England's aims to increase business and trade with his older brother. In terms of Mayfield however, things have occasionally been pretty awkward what with England being from a time where Hong Kong is still his colony and this inevitably leads to conflict, particularly with regard to China. On the whole though, he's glad that he's around and is secretly grateful for all of his silly old man fussing over him and appreciates someone looking out for him like that. He's also still his favourite troll/firework prank target. He never will forget the horror of the Table Incident though. Nobody needs to see Big Ben that close.
☼ ♦
AMERICA [Alfred F. Jones]
redscareandblue blah blah blah
☼ ♦
CANADA [Matthew Williams]
mr_blandy_bland blah blah blah
☼ ♦
AUSTRALIA [Brooke Kelly]
thatsnotaknife Text goes here!!!
♦ ♨
SEALAND [Peter Kirkland]
fuckyeahsealand Text goes here!!
☼ ♦ ♦
ICELAND [Eiríkur Guðmundsson]
puffinparadise blah blah blah
★ ♛ ❤ ♡ ♧ ✖
SOUTH ITALY (Nyotalia) [Chiara Vargas]
tomatatas blah blah blah
☼ ♦ ♦ ⚠
dulcisopheliac Text goes here!!!
★ ♛ ❤ ♡ ♧ ✖
Text goes here!!
★ ♛ ❤ ♡ ♧ ✖
likes2havesex blah blah blah
♨ ♦
blah blah blah
♨ ♦
crazyclownwoman Text goes here!!!
❁ ♦ ♦ ☼ ⚠
partytoastess Hong Kong's new... girlfriend? So what if she comes across as a little unbalanced every now and again, she's cute most of the time and has some great... assets. Nena pretty much did the unthinkable from day one and managed to confuse and slightly surprise him by more or less jumping on him for a kiss when they'd only just met. Not that he was complaining. Now that he's slept with her (and popped her cherry in the process... sob) the anti seems to have been upped and while it may not have been the wisest decision on his part, he's really just a teenager physically, and she's hot so can you really blame him? Okay, you can, but still. Some of the things she's said have bothered or disturbed him somewhat and he has a hidden agenda to get to know her better and hear more about her past. Maybe try to help her understand things a little better? Who knows.
★ ♛ ❤ ♡ ♧ ✖
Yuna Akashi
gonnamarrydaddy blah blah blah
★ ♛ ❤ ♡ ♧ ✖
backseat_dragon blah blah blah