July 7, 2004
Seven things in your room:
1) Black round chair
2) Dell
3) Drapes over bed
4) pictures of friends
5) Wall unit
6) stereo, television, and VHS/DVD player
7) insence
May 6, 2009
Seven things in your room:
1) Huge retro chair!
2) Huge Bali Bed from Pier 1 scratched up by my cat
3) An old Zenith Television from David's Bachelor days
4) Pictures of my brothers
5) A pile of school stuff that has accumulated over the past five years. Notebooks, planners, bags, text books, story books, papers.
6) A heck of allot of dog crates...
7) An office
July 7, 2004
Seven things to do before death:
1) graduate from college
2) get married
3) have kids
4) have a job I truly enjoy
5) visit Germany and Italy
6) Get up the guts to go on a cruise
7) live in a HUGE wonderfully romantic old house
May 6, 2009
Seven things to do before death:
1) Get a masters
2) To finally be happy with my life instead of content.
3) To publish a book or two
4) have a job I truly enjoy that also pays well enough to support my lifestyle.
5) visit Germany and Italy
6) Teach at a community college
7) live in a HUGE wonderfully romantic old house
July 7, 2004
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1) GLASSES Oakleys and black thick rimmed are my top pick
2) gorgeous eyes
3) semi long hair…not too long not too short…
4) cares for others
5) optimist or realist
6) smile
7) not too shy
May 6, 2009
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1) Can handle my craziness
2) gorgeous eyes
3) let's me be who I am going to be without constantly criticizing my every move.
4) cares for others
5) Realist
6) smile
7) Someone I can hold an intelligent conversation with
July 7, 2004
Top seven movies:
1) Sixth Sense
2) Benny and Joon
3) Moulin Rouge
4) About a Boy
5) Bells are Ringing
6) Pillow Talk
7) Nightmare Before Christmas
May 6, 2009
Top seven movies:
1) Stranger Than Fiction
2) Wicker Park
3) Moulin Rouge
4) About a Boy
5) Devil Wears Prada
6) Chicago
7) Family Stone
July 7, 2004
Top seven things you say most:
1) Toodles
2) Danke Schon
3) Aloha
4) Love ya!
5) Nerd
6) I hate people.
7) Whattcha doin?
May 6, 2009
Top seven things you say most:
1) Toodles
2) Thank yaz!
3) Hola
4) Bitte
5) Goober
6) I hate life
7) Whatz up!?
July 7, 2004
Smoke?: never have never will…won’t even stay around it.
Do drugs?: never
Read the newspaper?: Midland has a newspaper?! hehe
Pray?: used to
Been in love?: regrettably
Gone skinny dipping?: no…
Had a medical emergency?: when I busted my chin skating, and busted my lip when the fat girl fell on me in the playground in second grade.
Had surgery?: not that I know of
Ran away from home?: planning on it this week
Played strip poker?: candyland
Beaten someone up?: do my little brothers count?
Been on stage?: Used to live on it. :(
Slept outdoors?: with Girl Scouts I hated every moment of it.
Made out with a stranger?: not that I can recall at the moment…but who knows what my record is after sophomore year…lol
Been on radio/tv?: TV, interviewed on the news twice once for theatre, and once for TIC
Been in a mosh-pit?: no, but watched Josh W. get sucked into one.
Do you have any gay/lesbian/bi friends?: yupper doodles!
First kiss?: hmmm…yuck?
Pepsi or coke?: coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Internet or phone?: internet
Suicidal?: off and on
Stubborn?: very
Open-minded?: kinda
Arrogant?: hopefully not
Patient?: depends on the time of the month
Hyper?: when I’m not depressed
Nice?: I hope so…
Happy?: sometimes
Depressed?: when I’m not hyper
Shave your head for $1000?: nope, I love my hair!
Like candles?: LOVE THEM!
Believe in soul mates?: in a way…Chrissy and I have this theory…
Believe in love at first sight?: don’t the two go hand in hand?
Believe in forgiveness?: I try to forgive and forget
Want to get married?: not so much now…
Want to have kids?: yes…maybe adopt
Ever want to adopt kids?: yes…hehe…a girl from Russia
May 6, 2009
Smoke?: Only when I'm drunk.
Do drugs?: Tried it once...don't see what all the hoopla is about.
Read the newspaper?: No, only if I'm looking for garage sales. The world depresses me.
Pray?: to who?
Been in love?: regrettably
Gone skinny dipping?: and still no.
Had a medical emergency?: when I busted my chin skating, and busted my lip when the fat girl fell on me in the playground in second grade. <---add a couple of EKG's in the mix and we will be fine.
Had surgery?: nope
Ran away from home?: planning on it this summer
Played strip poker?: candyland <---not a big poker fan.
Beaten someone up?: does my husband count?
Been on stage?: Used to live on it. :( I really need back up there.
Slept outdoors?: not since I was a child. I would love though to have a hammock and a sky full of stars to surround me in my slumber.
Made out with a stranger?: ya.
Been on radio/tv?: TV, interviewed on the news twice once for theater, and once for TIC
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yes.
Do you have any gay/lesbian/bi friends?: yupper doodles! I feel as if I live with them.
First kiss?: That was so long ago.
Pepsi or coke?: Dr. Pepper
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Internet or phone?: internet
Suicidal?: yes.
Stubborn?: Impossible.
Open-minded?: Very
Arrogant?: I know I'm the shit.
Patient?: only when people aren't asking me stupid questions.
Hyper?: rarely.
Nice?: I try my hardest to consider everyone in every decision I make. Look where that got me.
Happy?: Rarely.
Depressed?: Very.
Shave your head for $1000?: No.
Like candles?: LOVE THEM!
Believe in soul mates?: Starting to question this idea.
Believe in love at first sight?: No.
Believe in forgiveness?: I try, everyday I try. It's a huge internal struggle with me.
Want to get married?: After the past few months...no.
Want to have kids?: Yes...not anytime soon.
Ever want to adopt kids?: yes…hehe…a girl from Russia
July 7, 2004
[three words that sum you up]: weird, happy, friendly
[jewelry worn daily]: my new snake ring, the two bracelets I took from Chrissy in tenth grade, and the beaded bracelet I took from smerf this summer…
[wallet]: I have a billfold in my purse
[coffee]: Coffee is my love
[shoes]: boots and sandals…
[cologne/perfume]: body splash…moonlight path
[clothing you have on]: work clothes…
May 6, 20009
[three words that sum you up]: busy, social, medicated
[jewelry worn daily]: hemp choker I made, white bone necklace I got with Michael, wedding ring, toe ring.
[wallet]: My pockets.
[coffee]: I can't get enough of coffee or tea! I live for my Saturday morning Coffee Stop.
[shoes]: Flip Flops...and moccasins before Barley ate them.
[cologne/perfume]: body splash…Jasmine, or coconut lime
[clothing you have on]: Dr. Pepper pajama pants with a Planet Hollywood New Orleans T-Shirt.
July 7, 2004
[cried]: no!…well maybe a little.
[bought something]: nope
[gotten sick]: a little nauseated
[sang]: most def
[eaten]: always…munching on m&m’s presently
[been kissed]: no :(
[felt stupid]: no actually…no one to feel stupid around
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: nope…anti-love
[talked to an ex]: no, thank god!
[someone you have a crush on]: what?! Me crush?! lol
[had a serious talk]: with da mama
[missed someone]: YES!!!!! I MISS YOU ALL DAMMIT!!! Come and get me!
[hugged someone]: no
[argued with a parent(s)]: no, grandparent…yes
May 6, 2009
[cried]: no actually.
[bought something]: Lunch
[gotten sick]: does stress count?
[sang]: all the time!
[eaten]: very little, I've started this new diet
[been kissed]: hmmmm....
[felt stupid]: yes.
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: nope…anti-love
[talked to an ex]: no.
[someone you have a crush on]: quite possibly.
[had a serious talk]: Kinda...I have allot of those these days
[missed someone]: I miss my old life. The old me.
[hugged someone]: Yes
[argued with a parent(s)]: Nope
July 7, 2004
[best girl friend]: Chrissy
[best guy friend]: Josh Wilson
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: None
[hobbies]: beading, designing rooms and houses, listening to music, hanging out at Josh’s, being with my best friend.
[car you drive]: Saturn…It’s so pretty!
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: FRIENDS! They are the best!
[job]: Let’s not talk about it…I guess, I get paid to update LJ…hehe. (The Bank)
[attend church]: ya, darn it
[like being around people]: when I’m not angry or stressed
May 6, 2009
[best girl friend]: Keri
[best guy friend]: Josh/Bryan/Clark/Adam/Paul
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: Jordan
[car you drive]: Saturn…It’s seen better days. But sometimes my bike! :D
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: FRIENDS! They are the best!
[job]: Currently unemployed.
[attend church]: nope
[like being around people]: I hate being alone...