[A is for age:]
[B is for booze of choice:]
Don't really like alcohol (bleurgh!) but like bacardi breezers as they don't taste of alcohol *rolleyes*
[C is for career:]
Hahahaha...haven't a clue!
[D is for your dog's name:]
Zeb and Pepper, and wub them!
[E is for essential item you use everyday:]
My computer (for squeeage and procrastination) and my phone for squeee textage with Miss Sarah *rolleyes* amongst many other things
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
Ooohh, I can't pick a favourite! Today I've been particularly obsessed with Lady in Red by Chris De Burgh, but that's only today lol.
[G is for favorite drinking game:]
None! (Lilia fans - hahaha, drinking gaaaaames! *roll*)
[H is for home town:]
[I is for instruments you play:]
Used to play clarinet and piano
[J is for favorite juice?:]
Mangoooooo. Also like apple.
[K is for kids?:]
What about them? *rolleyes* They are great, would love some one day!
[L is for last hug?:]
Uhhhh. Probably saying goodbye to relatives after Gran's funeral last week. May have been since then actually, I dunnoooooo!
[M is for marriage:]
When I find the right person *rolleyes*
[N is for nickname:]
Emmie, sometimes Em or Emz.
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
[P is for phobias:]
Not exactly a phobia, but I haaaaate the thought of being sick/people being sick.
[Q is for quote:]
Oooh, don't have a favourite!
[R is for biggest regret:]
Don't have any huge regrets really.
[S is for status:]
[T is for time you wake up?]
Usually about 8/8:30am
[U is for underwear]:
....what about it?! Lol. I wear it.
[V is for vegetable you love:]
Uhhh like most of them really but I don't think there's one I loooove....Ohh, except sweetcorn :D
[W is for worst habit:]
Biting my nails, fiddling with my hair!
[X is for x-rays you've got:]
Uhh, had one of my wrist when it went through a glass window many years ago! Possibly also had one when I thought I might have broken my finger once at school.
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
Chocolate lime cheeeeesecake *wub*
[Z is for zodiac sign:]