Tutor People...
Laura & Andrew
Paul & Tony (& freaky guy known as 'Silent Pete' hiding behind Paul!)
Andrew (and Liz's head!)
Gary, our tutor (reading the bulletin...he wouldn't pose for a photo!)
Andrew & Liz, I wub them!
Random pics from yesterday...
Andreeew, hiding behind his leaving book!
Dunno what he's doing...lol!
Andrew & I with Jo's flowers!
Shame half his head is cut off...
English Lit Dudes
The following are of the wonderful Jo...taken (without her knowing) while she was ranting about Othello!
(Bad shot of) Jo avec flowers!
My English Lit crew...Andrew, Rachael, Liz and AnnaBannana
Jo reading her card (I wub this pic!)
Me & Rachael
Rachael and Andrew
Me and Liz!
'The other Emma'
Emma & Michaela
Andrew & Lucy
Not a great shot of Andrew, but Luce looks pretty!
The two Emmas!
Random ones from today...
Andrew in the library (wearing his tie from the ball last night *rolleyes* don't ask...)
Gary giving us chocolate! :D
Lovely Mark, our teacher
Colin & Laura (highly entertaining peoples!)
A rather blurry, but somehow cool and artistic, piccie of moi
Laura & Moi
Me & Anna
Laura & I
And that is the end!
In other news...my Andrew/William is abandoning me at dancing tonight to go to the cinema *sob*