Day one: Favourite book
Day two: Favourite movie
Day three: Favourite male character
Day four: Favourite female character
Day five: Most anticipated scene for DH part 2
Day six: Least favourite scene from DH (book) that could show up in DH part 2
Day seven: Favourite ship
Day eight: Least favourite casting choice
Day nine: Favourite 'added scene' in the movies
Day ten: Most unpopular opinion regarding the books
Day eleven: Character you relate to the most
Day twelve: Favourite canon ship
Day thirteen: Scene that made you cry the most
Day fourteen: What you think makes the Harry Potter series so amazing
Hmmm. So I don't actually dislike anything from the second half of DH, honestly. The only things I really take issue with are every single Slytherin being totally evil and thus sent from the castle, because let's face it, okay? Statistically speaking, it's pretty unlikely that in a House full of people, whose only similarity is that they're not muggleborn and they're cunning and ambitious, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS PRO-VOLDEMORT. Also, as someone who is pretty ambitious, I take offence to that. Finally, for a series that dealt so much and so well with the various shades of grey that humanity comes in, the fact that in the end they're all irredeemably evil is ridiculous, and kind of lazy imo. Oh, I also get a little pissed when Dumbledore implies that Snape shouldn't have been in Slytherin because he has a heart, for the same reasons, but that gets a pass because it was a very Dumbledore thing to say.
But honestly, I'm fine with both of those being in the movie, because, you know, whatever. My real worry is that they'll find some way to work in the subplot where Lupin decides to leave his pregnant wife to go gallivanting with a bunch of teenagers. Just -- no. I thought that was an extremely OOC moment for Lupin, who has always been very responsible and mature. If it was motivated by guilt over the possibility of the child being a werewolf, I can't see Lupin not stepping up to the plate. He's a teacher, fer chrissake! The best DADA teacher Harry ever had! He obviously cared for the children, so I don't buy that he got cold feet over being a parent. The only reasons I can possibly think of for his actions are either a) he was trying to be more like a Marauder (impulsive, adventurous, etc) now that he was the only one left, or b) JKR added that bit to help Harry come to terms with his abandonment issues. Now, if it's a), then I don't get why it happened a whole year and a half after the last Marauder died, and if it's b), then... that's kind of sloppy writing, imo, because she would be sacrificing characterization for the sake of a plot point.
Anyway, that whole scene was incredibly awkward to read. That point in the story has passed without mention in DH1, so it's highly likely that it won't be brought up in DH2, and Lupin will simply die a tragic and loving parent ;____; Still, I think it's possible the writers could try and jam it in there, for added drama and to make the movie longer, so... that's the scene I would least like to be included in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two.