Just Out of Reach | PG, Xander/Cordy | 6,900 words
Buffy's gone. Xander and Cordy try to hold the pieces together. Set post-Becoming.
Leave the Past Behind PG-13, gen | 3,000 words
Laurence Dominic returns to the Dollhouse after the world ends. What he finds there is unexpected
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:
Company For A Quiet Night | PG-13, Ed/Ling | 992 words
Travelling is lonely when you're stuck with only the Chimaera Brigade and Greed the Avaricious Moron for company.
Long Distance Call PG-13, Sam/Mercede | 2,500 words
She’d bet good money that Kurt and Rachel and them were up in the auditorium right now, singing, prepping for Sectionals. And she wasn’t with them.
Her hands clenched tightly into her pillow.
Her phone beeped again, and she scowled at it. Couldn’t the damn thing just be quiet? She picked it up, intent on shoving it under a pillow or something, when the name on the screen caught her eye.
“New Message: Sam.”
How Rachel Berry Started Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' Another NC-17, Rachel/Tina | 18,898 words
In which Rachel learns she doesn't need love to be happy, but it's there if she wants it, and that getting choked during sex is awesome.
There's Nothing Ironic About Slaying | PG-13, numerous pairings both textually and, uh, subtextuall | 21,715 words
Rachel's been slaying for years now, and training for even longer. Simply put, she's the best there is, and she'd be the first to tell you it. Unfortunately for her and her friends, there's a new big bad in town, with friends of her own and a vendetta against the Slayer, and she might just be enough to put Rachel in the ground permanently
The Motta Enigma | PG, pre-Lauren/Sugar | 3,400 words
Lauren’s got a plan. A good plan. Sugar’s got a plan, too, though, and it might be even better.
State of the Union | NC-17, Brittany/Santana | 4,000 words
“Brittany!” Santana snaps. “I want to have sex with you, okay? I want to press you up against your nice, big, official desk, and nail you down into it. It’s not a question of me wanting it. I’m saying, are you ordering me. Madam President.”
Buckle Up (Baby, We're Going Places) | NC-17, Santana/Mercedes | 5,300 words
Lucky Santana -- she got to go from being trapped in a tiny, disgustingly hot car to being trapped in a tiny, disgustingly hot motel room. With only one bed
The X-Files:
One Hell of a (Bucktoothed) Hickey PG, Scully/Hartwell with hints of Mulder/Scully 2,500 words
Mulder and Scully see a familiar face while on the run from the government.
Untitled bit of fluff PG, Mulder/Scully | 1,000 words
Mulder's birthday is also International Skeptics Day. Scully can hardly believe her ears. Set in season one, back when they were fluffy prickly innocent bbs in poorly fitted suits.
Of Sci-Fi, Pseudoscience, and Other Grievances | PG, Mulder/Scully | 1,900 words
Mulder and Scully hit the town to see The Phantom Menace. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
It All Ends In Blood PG, Mulder/Scully | 960 words
and the blood just spills and spills. An s4 au set sometime after "The Field Where I died," written for the zombie apocalypse ficathon.