The last three days have been fairly spectacular.
Saturday was pretty normal, I guess... I got my hair cut, for one thing. It's relatively short, now, a bit longer than my shoulders (though it looks shorter because it's so curly!). I miss its length, but it had a lot of split ends, so I guess it needed to go. Whatever. That afternoon I went to our town's most expensive neighborhood with my friend on our bikes, and we fantasy-shopped for houses, and in the evening I went to the park with some other friends to play Manhunt. We got kicked out of the park by the police, which wasn't our fault-- there were some idiotic freshmen throwing eggs at cars, so they had to remove all suspicious-looking people (read: adolescents?) from the park. Laaame.
Sunday was AMAZING because I got to see August: Osage County with Owen. If you get the opportunity to see that reaches you, do not hesitate-- SEE IT. It is absolutely worth every bit of the hype it has garnered (and I totally want to be like Estelle Parsons when I am old). There are so few plays that can simotaneously make one laugh hysterically and break one's heart... that was it. God, it was amazing.
And today? More illustration class and my first time with a nude model-- eek! It really wasn't that bad, but I still don't think I'd like to draw a man. Does that make me immature? When I got home, I did farewell bowling and diner-surfing with a few of my friends, two of whom are off to college. I will miss them... but I had a great time. So. I'm happy.