Down with the system.

Sep 05, 2006 16:59

September 5th, 2006. A day that will live in infamy. Today, as people began their morning ritual of first logging on to facebook, we all realized that Mark Zuckerberg is completely and absolutely insane. Genius, but crazy. The magic behind facebook is that it so easily began it's hostile takeover. Yes, that's right. I said hostile takeover. ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

yepitschristine September 6 2006, 01:16:07 UTC
I don't have facebook, and I think I'm missing out on something else to be completely addicted to.

No joke, I was having Myspace withdrawls today, and make the trek to the library, all the way across campus from where I was... just to check. Good thing I did, I had a new comment.

But I will have facebook soon enough, my love... because... you might wanna sit down for this one:

now, make sure you're sitting...

you'd better be sitting.......


okay, here it goes....

*I might be transferring to State next year.*



schellsay September 6 2006, 04:48:46 UTC


somuchtolove September 6 2006, 04:45:07 UTC
i really hope my mom doesn't friend me. that would just scare me even more than facebook allowing people to stalk me. didn't mark zuckerberg learn anything from the girl that tried to fly to Iraq or whereever to be with the guy she meet on facebook (or it might be myspace, all too similar), but anyway that was crazy and that was on national news for like two weeks! let's wake up and smell the coffee, people, and it smells like goodness and not evil. i could go for some coffee. muah!


schellsay September 6 2006, 04:49:07 UTC
Your mom friends me all the time.


somuchtolove September 7 2006, 15:11:59 UTC
I TOLD YOU NOT TO EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT!! i like how we still talk on livejournal even though you're sitting next to me...and i live with you. omg it's like... live journal.


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