Title: Semper Fi with a Zat: Chasing Wraith and Killing Time with the Marines of Atlantis
Rating: G
Character: Ensemble, OCs
Disclaimer: Not mine (except the mistakes, although some of those may have been gleaned from Wiki-P, because I don't know nothing about firearms), no harm meant.
Summary: To mark the 10th anniversary of the declassification
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Comments 4
I'd been reading Generation Kill when I first wrote this, so, yeah, leeeetle bit of that creeped in. Plus I have a journalism-in-fiction kink a mile wide (ask me about Lois Lane when you have three hours to spare).
Don't feel bad about not posting anything! This is 1000-odd words in lieu of a 40,000 word fic I should have finished four years ago, you're really doing better than me :)
I've been writing a monster of a Harry Potter fic with a friend for years and we like driving the plot forward with Daily Prophet/Witch Weekly pieces she writes in the voices of two of her OCs. I love journalism in fiction and fictious journalism! There are so many wonderful things you can do with it!
This is 1000-odd words in lieu of a 40,000 word fic I should have finished four years ago, you're really doing better than me :)
Eh, I'm mainly writing stuff I either should have been writing months ago or stuff I shouldn't be writing at all but none of the stuff I should be writing urgently (namely a semi-exciting paper about the Battle at Tannenberg and an a lot more interesting paper about German Armed Forces online PR). In that light, something for the anniversary would have been a piece of cake ;)
I love journalism in fiction and fictious journalism! There are so many wonderful things you can do with it!
When I started this, I briefly toyed with the idea of approaching it as different articles from different sources (and, even more briefly, mocked-up layouts), which quickly went down to just using one source, because I realised I couldn't vary my writing style enough (not without having to read tabloids, which I couldn't face). And then I realised that I needed to write about Eddie in Atlantis as well as writing as Eddie in Atlantis, because he's a somewhat unreliable narrator - which is one of the fun things to do with fictitious journalism :) - but meant I got a little bogged down in what was being written by me and what was being written by him.
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