And now for something completely different, since I decided there's too much cock around here. Vash is rewarded for his town-saving with a couple of prostitutes, and threesome porn ensues (you can see what my weakness is, right, right?). If Vash with the ladies doesn't turn your crank, there's a couple pages of Vash/Knives for the slashers.
Two things: one, at one point one of the girls says, "Vonnegut," as in, Kurt Vonnegut. I took a guess and figured she was referring to the famous line, "So it goes..." from Slaughterhouse Five (usually referring to death), and stuck that into the dialogue.
Two: Knives says there's no females of their species, which isn't a mistranslation, I can assure you - I have to wonder if the doujin is anime-verse, as iirc there's less about 'FREE THE PLANTS' in the anime, because aren't they the females of Vash and Knives' race? Or do they not count, idk.
Warnings: fairly hardcore porn, femdom.