105222 / 10000 words. 105% to the minimum!
Hedging my bets and setting the word count at +500 from the minimum, to make sure I hit it.
Also, trying to pretend to be a normal writer.
All I have to do is write 95 words a day, every day. I can do that. I can do this...
May 4th -- 228 words
May 5th -- 1411 total words
May 6th -- slight editing, no count taken
May 7th -- 2196 words (as of 4:45 pm)
May 8th -- Mother's Day, no count taken
May 9th -- 2822 words
May 10th -- 3308 words
May 11th -- 3961 words
May 12th -- 4189 words
May 13-14th -- no writing
May 15th -- didn't take a count, edits only
May 16th -- 4420 words
May 17th -- 5000 words
May 18th -- no count (I wrote, but had to bake cookies for a thing)
May 19th -- 5265 words
May 20th -- forgot to take a count
May 21st -- 5656 words
May 22nd -- blah, migraine
May 23rd -- 7246 words, holy shit
May 24th -- N/A
May 25th -- 7496 words
May 26th -- N/A
May 27th -- 8311 words
May 28th-29th -- It's a long weekend, so sue me
May 30th -- 9295 words
May 31st -- 10,522 words
But as for the actual content of the story? I'm at the halfway point. Holy shit.