Title: In the Dark of Night
Rating: PG
Fandom: Persona 2/ Persona 3
Words: 90
Summary: In the hidden hour the answers lie.
Notes: Where the hell did this come from? ...I wanted to write something about Maya since this is her birthday, and this is what turned out. Maya (being a reporter) is researching the Apathy Syndrome from Persona 3.
This time of night, this hidden hour, sends chills down her spine. Has since it first appeared nearly ten years ago. And the… creatures that come with it. She knows it’s dangerous, but she also knows that the Apathy Syndrome is connected somehow to it.
A sound rustles in the alleyway to her left and she looks down the darkened way, shivering at the noise that emanates from within. Taking a deep breath she steels herself, ice and moonlight washing along her mind as she calms, and she continues forward.