Age: unknown. appears about 14.
Height: about 5'1"-5'3".
Weight: underweight. 100 lbs or less.
Eyes: grey-blue.
Hair: lavender.
Medical info: laboratory experimented. created with Black Blood inside of her. mentally unstable and suffering DID and schizophrenia.
What's okay to mention around her: everything and nothing. she has little to no ability to comprehend or handle anything that's unfamiliar to her.
Notes for the psychics: her mind is pretty much a mess. her side is rather open, lots of fear and craziness, her thoughts are spastic. while Ragnarok's is dominating and seeps into her side, rude and repulsive.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: it's fine with me -- she deals with it daily anyways.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: it's fine with me, but she won't handle it well.
Maim/murder/death: let me know. but keep in mind that she'll fight back.