I decided not to update last night, seeing as I've been Little Miss Update-Whore the past couple days...So, I'm here now...And things are going pretty well, although yet another wrench has been thrown into my family's gears.
Mom is doing as well as can be expected, Dad & I went to see her at the Nursing Home where she's recieveing hospice care...And when we got there, she was sitting up in her wheelchair, having just recieved a shower.
She wanted hugs as soon as we walked into the room, but is still unable to lift her arms, or use her hands...So we lifted her arms for her and put them around ourselves, and hugged her as tight as we could.
I told her how you all have been praying for her, and sending her good thoughts. She was very happy and excited about that, the whole idea of the internet is rather mysterious to her. So, the fact that people on here know her name, and actually CARE about what she's going through is just the coolest thing since sliced bread in her eyes...heehee!
The day that I NEVER dreamed would get here has finally come...
My father kicked my brother out of the house this morning. I know, shocking as hell, isn't it?
Jeremiah is at my sister's house...And let's just say the ONLY reason he goes over there is so he has an excuse to smoke weed, and go on a bender for however long she puts up with his lazy ass. He has my 19-year-old nephew damn near alcoholism, as well as addicted to marijuana...
Anyway, Dad told me to call over to my sister's house this morning to tell my brother that we were going to see Mom, and we would be by to pick him up so he could go see her, too. Last time I talked to him, he TOLD me that he wanted to go see her next time we went...So...That's what I did.
First, some asshole friend of my nephew's picked up the phone...
*Sounding blazed beyond belief* "Hullo?"
"Hi...Can I speak to Jeremiah?"
"Who is THIS?"
*Getting slightly annoyed* "Um...His sister..."
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk to my brother, PLEASE!"
*Asshole friend of nephew's passes the phone to my SISTER!*
My Sister: "Jeremy's asleep."
"I don't give a shit! I need to talk to him!"
"Ugh...Fine, hold on..."
*In the background*
My Sister: "Jere? It's Becky...She wants to talk to you..."
Jeremiah: "Fuck her! I'm sleeping!"
My Sister: "She's not going to go away til you talk to her..."
*Jeremiah gets on the phone*
Me: "We're going to see Mom...We're gonna come by and pick you up..."
"No...I'm hungover...I'm not going..."
*I relate the message to Dad*
Dad: "That's fine! Tell him his clothes will be on the back porch..."
*I relate THAT message to Jeremiah*
"What the fuck EVER...Fuck both of you!" *Click!*
And y'know what the beautiful part of it is?
His clothes are on the back porch!!!!
*Big silly-ass grin*
Yesterday was the BEST day I've had in a LONG time!
The phone rang...
I looked over at my alarm clock, and saw that it was 6am.
My heart STOPPED beating.
NO ONE calls here at 6am...THIS can NOT be good...Something happened to Mom...Oh God, Something happened to Mom...
I jumped out of bed, threw on my clothes, and RAN into the living room.
The first thing I heard as I rounded the corner into the office-area...
Was Dad laughing.
Okay...I'm CONFUSED...
I looked at him oddly, and he looked at me and started laughing harder, because my shirt was inside out, my pants were on backwards, and my hair was standing on end...Yeah...Not all of us are beauty queens in the morning...LOL!
He said, "Hold on..." Into the phone, and passed it to me...
I brought it to my ear, and said, "Hello?"
It was Mom!
I started laughing!
Dad went to run some errands...I got online and got a chance to talk with my "online boyfriend"...*grin* I love you, baby!
Dad came home, and gave me my mail...Bills...Bills...Eh...What's this? A package? Hmmm...
And now, I am convinced that my mailman is in love with me!
I GOT A NEW GOSLING MOVIE!!!!! *Happy Becca Dance*
"The Believer"...I've yet to watch the actual FILM...Because I've been pouring over the special features, which include the trailer, and a 2 hour documentary on the story behind the movie, complete with an interview with Ryan...and...*purr*`
Yeah, the mail man wants me...BAD!
So, yeah...Yesterday was GOOD! And today is proving to be just as good, if not better! The only thing that could improve today is if I get a chance to talk to My Ryan again tonight in IM...I love that man more than cream cheese on a bagel!
Mraz Quote For This Entry:
I’m sure I let off my own fair share of bothersome smells. I live in my own clothes, which makes me immune to them. I wouldn’t know if someone can smell under my hat from all the way over there, but with the air-con pointed directly on it, driving the aroma through the fabric and over my scalp, reflecting it off of the in flight magazine’s waxed pages, I’m sure it’s possible. If you’re unaware of what smell I’m referring to, just lift any one of your friends’ hats off and get a good whiff of the natural oils under the hood of a thinking cap. It’s basically like a sock that never gets washed, but on your head. If I were sitting in first class, however, I wouldn’t mind what I smell like. Most of those spoiled idiots up there need a good scent of the common folk every now and then.