как думаете, почему в СССР ни в одной работе по ПВМ не сделали подобных сводок по годам Есть что-то похожее. http://elib.shpl.ru/ru/nodes/14264-rossiya-v-mirovoy-voyne-1914-1918-goda-v-tsifrah-m-1925#mode/inspect/page/36/zoom/6 Потери по сведениям, полученным с театра военных действий по 31 декабря 1917 года. документы утряны в гражданской? Какие-то документы определенно утеряны, но большая часть лежит в РГВИА. Даже в открытом онлайн доступе масса интереснейших доков, но новых научных работ, основанных на их обработке, я не видел.
Нелипович работает на этой ниве уже довольно давно. Хотелось бы взглянуть не только на анализ потерь, но и на другие аспекты (снабжение, наличие вооружения, санитарная служба и т.д).
Thanks for the valuable comments. To be honest, I don’t know the reason why the losses are so different in these sources. In the near future I will re-read Nelipovich, perhaps I will express my assumptions. Is it okay if I reply in Russian?
Yes I can read Russian very well, I just am bad at writing it. Do you know if the Austrian losses of wounded and sick are only evacuated like the Russian numbers?
For 1916 Nelipovich adds the number of evacuated sick to the overal wounded number for the Russians, meanwhile for the Austrians at least the sick are clearly excluded from the calculation. On the other hand the number of evacuated does exclude the lightly wounded and it is unclear if they are included in the austrian calculation.
Also the relation between KuK dead and wounded (only soldiers) is curious: 1914 it is 3,37 to 1, 1915 its 3,52 to 1, 1916 its suddenly 4,52 to 1, 1917 it falls back to 3,87 to 1 and 1918 its even 2,77 to 1 Now 1916 is the clear outlier, even more so since the difference is purly due to the Brussilov offensive. In Italy the relation of dead to WIA seems normal, while in Russia its 4,8 to 1. This unusual relation of KIA to WIA implies that many KIA were registered as MIA, since it makes sense if the KuK army retreated to leave its dead behind in the field. But then the KuK MIA number gets inconflict with the Russian POW number, as in it is much smaller......
Now this is not atypical since the Russian MIA number as given by the fronts for 1915 is 882 579 which is smaller then the number 1,2 million POW the central powers claimed for 1915
About the battle of Galicia Nelipovich speaks about 86 300 evacuated sick. Concidering the period of the operation and the overal number of 283 000 sick which means that 30,5% of the sick were at the time of one operation I think its reasonable to clai mthat the numbers for sick mean evacuated and probably the same is true for the wounded. The lightly wounded must hence be excluded from the AH statistics, same as they are excluded from the Russian one.
Comments 39
Есть что-то похожее.
Потери по сведениям, полученным с театра военных действий по 31 декабря 1917 года.
документы утряны в гражданской?
Какие-то документы определенно утеряны, но большая часть лежит в РГВИА. Даже в открытом онлайн доступе масса интереснейших доков, но новых научных работ, основанных на их обработке, я не видел.
Do you know if the Austrian losses of wounded and sick are only evacuated like the Russian numbers?
1914 it is 3,37 to 1, 1915 its 3,52 to 1, 1916 its suddenly 4,52 to 1, 1917 it falls back to 3,87 to 1 and 1918 its even 2,77 to 1
Now 1916 is the clear outlier, even more so since the difference is purly due to the Brussilov offensive. In Italy the relation of dead to WIA seems normal, while in Russia its 4,8 to 1. This unusual relation of KIA to WIA implies that many KIA were registered as MIA, since it makes sense if the KuK army retreated to leave its dead behind in the field. But then the KuK MIA number gets inconflict with the Russian POW number, as in it is much smaller......
Now this is not atypical since the Russian MIA number as given by the fronts for 1915 is 882 579 which is smaller then the number 1,2 million POW the central powers claimed for 1915
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