First off, it's been wonderful to see you all come together. You guys did a great job of linking up my info post. Keep linking. There are already enough rumors, we don't want to encourage their spread. The other reason I want you guys to keep linking, is that I want to give as much of the membership as possible, a chance to connect with each other. We've all made friends at the comm, but not all of us had the forethought to exchange contact info.
Thanks to all of the membership, for being awesome. Special thanks to everyone who took positive steps towards maintaining our community.
refraction has offered lots of helpful advice on how to approach the Abuse Team.
raattgift has commented with clarifications on US intellectual property law.
pandanoai created a
backup of the comm, early in February, and
acroamatica has it mirrored
yatsuha made a
syndicated feed for our
Insane Journal backup, so we can watch it on LJ.
We've also received comments of support from Gail Simone and Warren Ellis. It means a lot, thank you both. ETA: and now Kurt Busiek as well!
Going Forward
Scans Daily at Insane Journal is picking up. The mod team will be updating the comm momentarily with the rules rewrite were working on before all this happened. Don't worry guys, nothing scary. *g* Unfortunately, IJ has a 1000 member limit on its comms, so this likely won't be our permanent home, but please do join and keep the spirit of SD alive.
noscans_daily is up and running. We hope it will be everything
scans_daily was, albeit without the scans. We'll try to have all the bugs worked out of both comms as soon as possible. Please bear with us in the meantime.
I haven't yet had a chance to go through all the comments on the info post, so if you have an urgent question that hasn't been answered, you can message me,
rabican, or
Stubbleupdate. A lot of people, (really, a lot of people), have been asking if there's anything they can do to help. I've thought about it, and there are a couple of things.
1) Information. If you're an expert on intellectual property and copyright, share some of that knowledge. If you've been TOSed for copyright violations, share that experience with us.
2) Post. Seriously guys, post. At
Scans Daily 2.0 and
noscans_Daily. Because we are not beaten.
3) Make love fanworks, not war. One of things we were working on, before the blowout, was sprucing up the comm. There's no reason we can't go forward with that. We are need of a profile banner and a new layout. Think about it - a contest will be announced shortly. If you like your graphics 100x100, shareable icons are welcome too. In fact, gankable commemorative icons for us all to share? Pure win.
4) Make love (to Scans Daily), not war. It's been great to hear your stories. How you discovered
scans_daily, and what it meant to you. Keep writing them.
Again, thanks, all of you. We'll keep you guys updated as to what we're working on.