April is here... let the Schmoop begin!
All schmoop-based fic is welcome in this community. If you've written something treacle-sweet previously and it's not one of the challenge prompts, feel free to post. The schmoop fest will run through to April 30th, the BIG DAY OF SCHMOOP. All stories posted to this community will be archived into memory and a Master List will be posted shortly after the Day of Schmoop.
There are still plenty of prompts up for grabs in the
prompts list. Don't make me steal them all!
A few rules -
* This comm is for schmoop-based fic only. No sneaking your angst-ridden epic on here!
* Stories based on the challenge prompts should be 500 words at least or a series of drabbles over that word count. There is no maximum length but please don't bombard us with little chunks of an epic. If your story is a big one, post to your own journal and add a post with a link to all chapters to the comm.
* You may post your stories directly to the community or provide a link to your own journal or website. LJ-CUTs are your friend. Any stories posted directly to the comm and not cut will be deleted.
* All ratings are welcome but please let us know what they are. Rate your story in your header and give appropriate warnings.
* Put any images behind an LJ cut. Anything posted without a cut will be removed. It screws up everyone's Friends page and grumpiness is not condusive to SCHMOOP.
* Feel free to post a story, come back to the prompt list and snag something else.
Please use this template (or something that gives the same info) when posting your stories -
(lj-cut text="") (Replace () with <>)
Happy Schmooping!