Title: Nowhere But Here
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt: #235
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Wincest, PWP, Schmoop)
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes doing nothing is the best something of all…
Author's Notes: Written for the
schmoopfest challenge, this is for the prompt "Lazy Day"-which will be incredibly obvious as you read it.
C'mon, let's break in THIS bed... )
Comments 8
And Dean wanting to bean the ducks is too adorable for words.
Wonderful job.
So glad you liked it! :)
This was wonderful, slow and sweet and hot.
:D No-one ever said Dean was an animal-lover. Except when they've been deep-fried, grilled or barbecued and are sizzling on a plate. :0
Glad the hotness came through, and that the lazy tone worked! :)
This is where Sam is happiest, this place without words where everything between them is as tangible as touch or sound.
I especially love everything expressed by that sentence.
Whahoobies! That means the schmoop is complete!
I'm glad you noticed that one sentence in particular. I'd hoped for it to be romantic to the reader without seeming out of place.
And how I want that feeling for them both. *happy sigh*
Thank you, Wendy! ♥
Now the real question is, how easy is it to read the ones for fandoms you don't really follow, or pairings that aren't your OTP? I'd think that would be tough. :)
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