I wrote a speech on the pro-life view of abortion---if y'all-d read it and tell me what you think-or what i should add- i'd appreciate it--p.s..--its long..
Good Afternoon. I would to tell you all a story of a girl. There is a girl I know who is 25.She has one daughter who is 5 years old. But recently this girl lost her job and her parents have refused to financially support her. With all of this happening so quickly, she realized that she does not have enough money to support her daughter. So she was thinking of killing her daughter. What do you guys think of that? __ Obviously, I’m sure you as well as society would think that’s horrible, and if she did that today she would be convicted of 1st degree murder, which is punishable of death or life imprisonment. Okay, here’s another scenario. Same situation, except the baby is one minute old, and once again, the mother decides to kill the baby. What would think of that? ___ She, again, would be convicted of 1st degree murder, because all of her actions were premeditated. Okay, stay with me, one more scenario. Same mother, same financial situation, but this time the baby is minus one minute old, and the mother kills it. Sounds just like all the other situations, right? The mother is killing her baby. Except this time, she wouldn’t be convicted of 1st degree murder. There is a different name for this. We call it Abortion. Abortion is legal in the US at anytime during a woman’s pregnancy, whether it is 8 weeks after conception or one minute before the baby is born.
There are 4,000 abortions performed a day and 1.31 million abortions performed during a year in the U.S..95% percent of all abortions are done as a means of birth control, 1% are done because of rape or incest; 1%because of fetal abnormalities, and 3% due to the mothers health problems. One of the strongest arguments the Pro-choice campaign has for abortion is that women who are raped or are victims of incest should be allowed to have the choice to terminate their pregnancy because of emotional and fetal abnormality issues. If abortions were made legal only for victims of rape, incest, fetal abnormalities and health issues with the mother, then there would only be 65,000 abortions a year. That’s only 180 abortions a day. But those are just the statistics. I have read all the Planned Parenthood website has to offer about abortion, and in the tremendous amount of material they have there on abortion, there was only one mention of what a fetus looks like. I quote
“A fetus of 12 weeks cannot in any way be compared to a fully formed functioning person. At this stage only rudiments of the organ systems are present. The fetus is unable to sustain life outside the woman’s womb, it is incapable of conscious thought; it is incapable of essential breathing. It is instead an in utero fetus with the potential of becoming a child.”
This statement is obviously taking as much as they can about the fetus and making it sound like, basically, a worthless piece of garbage. A few facts that planned parenthood forgot to mention on their website is that at 8 weeks, the typical time a fetus is aborted, The fetus has a head, a functioning brain, arms, fingers, legs, toes, a working heart, and the cardiovascular system is completely developed. As short as 18 days after conception, the fetus has a discernable heartbeat. Planned parenthood stated on their website “At this stage only rudiments of the organ systems are present” By saying the word “rudiments” they are implying the cardiovascular system, brain, and heart are barely enough to qualify the baby as a “personhood”. A question on the website asks “Question:
Is it appropriate to refer to a fetus as unborn child, with the same rights as other human beings?
No. Constitutionally, a fetus has no rights of personhood. Most legal precedent in English law attributes personhood to the live born. “
According to the English definition of “personhood”- The state or condition of being a person, especially having those qualities that confer distinct individuality-we could conclude that an eight day old baby has no “personhood” either, for they cannot speak, cannot eat, cannot hold their head up themselves, and they do not have much individuality at that age either. The arguments that Planned Parenthood uses to defend their views are very weak in proven facts.
The main argument for the Pro-choice campaign is that women should have the right to choose what to do with their body. Now, I don’t think anyone would argue that. Of course women should have the right to choose what to with their bodies. But they still don’t, even with the laws we have today. A woman is not allowed to sell her body through prostitution if she wants to, she is not allowed to drive drunk if she wants to, she is not even allowed to shoot heroine if she wants to. Abortion insures that 750,000 females a year don’t have control over their bodies. Why? Because they are aborted. About ½ of the babies aborted a year are females. Now, the woman has the right to choose to abort her baby, even though the baby is innocent and did nothing to deserve this abortion. The baby is an innocent life that was conceived because her mother and father failed to use protection in the many ways that it is provided. So, because the mother is too young or doesn’t have the financial situation needed in order to support her baby, we should allow her to kill this innocent life? The Pro-choice campaign argues that the fetus is not a living being, and as I said before, doesn’t have the right of person hood. They say that the fetus is not a human; therefore it is no problem to abort it. But If we argue that a fetus is not a human, then we must argue that it is another species, which is an impossibility.
To put it simply, when it comes to abortion I draw the line at the fact that this baby is a living breathing human being. The baby is not a “mass of undeveloped tissue” and they are not “a part of the mothers body, like her arm or leg”. This baby is a separate human life, developing in side the mother’s womb. While many of you may argue with this, I’d like to show you a few ultrasounds and see if you still feel the same way.
This is a baby at 8 weeks inside the mother’s womb; around the time a woman normally gets an abortion. As you can see, the body is developed with its head, and limbs, along with its brain and heart.(2)
Here is a baby at 10 weeks; this baby is completely developed with a complete functioning heart and brain, and can make an array of movements.
At 22 weeks gestation babies are capable of fine hand and finger movements. In a short space of time this baby scratches,rubs and pats his cheek before doing the same to his nose.
This fetus exhibits behavior identical to what he will do after birth,. If he's held upright on a flat surface he will try and move forward
This baby's brain has developed sufficiently to enable him apparently to sense the other parts of his body. He can bring his fingertips together so they touch.
(6)From about 24 weeks of pregnancy when retinal development is complete, babies open and close their eyes intermittently. This helps a baby to perfect the blinking reflex, which will protect his eyes once he's born.
Although grasping begins early it becomes better established during the last trimester. Babies grasp hands, feet, fingers, toes and, most commonly, their umbilical cords.
While newborns do not smile until 4-6 weeks after birth, babies in the uterus do. Maybe because the uterus is warm, comfortable, and shielded from loud noises.
Fetuses as young as 11 weeks have been seen with their thumbs in their mouths. This baby started out sucking his smallest toes and gradually moves on to suck a bigger and better toe.
Babies produce a motion approximating to yawning from as early as 12 weeks' pregnancy. Maybe this is nature's way of ensuring that as soon as she enters the world, she'll be able to take her first breath.
As you can clearly see from all of these of these ultrasounds, this baby is a separate life from the mother, an innocent being who does not deserve to be killed. I could describe to you the methods of abortion and what occurs in the surgeries and I could also show you the pictures of the aborted babies, but I do not wish to make anybody in this room sick. All I can tell you is that if you look at those ultrasounds and can still truthfully tell me that there is no problem in aborting that baby, and that that baby is not a human life, then there is no convincing you.
But for those of you, who agree with everything I have said, let your opinions be known. Show people the same ultrasounds that I have shown you. And above all, to prevent abortion yourself, stay abstinent and do not have sex until you are married. It may sound like a lot to do, but if you do, the rewards will be significant. Abortion is the number one killer in the United States, and will continue to be if we don’t do anything to change it.