
Feb 28, 2009 23:01

I went to WonderCon today! I have to admit I didn't do much besides hanging around the Girl Genius booth for like three hours basking in the atmosphere and acting sort of shy. But, I did talk to Phil, who is very nice, and he drew me a Jenka sketch!!!

Edited to add:  I posted more pictures here: schmot-gurl.livejournal.com/3611.html

(I hope I did the picture-insert right...)

Yes, I matted it in purple and put it over my bed, lol.

Does anyone know what the swirly thingy on the right (her right) side of her hat is?  I don't think I've seen it before.

I also bought myself a Jager pin, and wanted to buy Girl Genius volumes 4 and 6, but they were out of both (and 5 - all until I think May), so I ended up with 1 and 7 instead. ;-)

There was a lot of great steampunk costumes, including a fantastic PaperDoll-costume Agatha (with Gil! And an adorable toddler! And a Dingbot!) and a training outfit Agatha. And a group of I think Wulfenbach people in all sorts of gear. I don't know if it's OK to post pictures here. I think both Agathas are on LJ, but I don't know who they are. Anyway, hi, you two! I was the girl with short dark hair in a black science T-shirt.

I eventually did walk around the rest of the place, saw some fantastic (and expensive) steampunk guns, cool goggles, and a lot of swords and corsets (the two most popular cosplay items?). Ended up buying black leather copper-studded vambraces, for no particular reason. I lack any sort of costume plan (other than it's going to be a Jager), but hopefully one will just sort of appear in my head eventually?... We'll see. It seems like a fun idea, but I've never done it before, and we don't even have Halloween in Poland.

Anyway, I went through my first con experience without too much trauma. ;-)  It was fun, although there wasn't all that much to do there by myself. Looking forward to SDCC and meeting some of my LJ friends in person!

Most of the comments are on a link to this entry ( http://community.livejournal.com/girlgenius_lab/232761.html) on

conventions, foglios, wondercon, cosplay

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