20 questions RP meme

Apr 10, 2009 22:32

This was originally a "people pick one of your characters and you answer these questions about them" meme, from singswithtrees and sweetpea_grubb, but since I only have one character (I play Jenka from Girl Genius in theskytides), I'm just going to post answers already.

I should look for more of these things - they're very helpful in learning more about your character.

01. Full name: Jenka Novotna, but even she barely remembers the last name. It's a common one, and she's not attached to it.

02. Best friend: Dimo, since centuries ago. They're very different, but somehow they understand each other, and that isn't something that happens to Jenka often.

03. Sexuality: Likes men, mostly, but will sleep with women once in a while if she feels like it.

04. Favorite color: Dark grey.

05. Relationship status: Does "has friends and doesn't want to leave them" count as a relationship status? Well, it has to, since there's no chance of getting a different one out of her. She doesn't do love - her strongest relevant feeling is a soldier's companionship/loyalty/friendship/respect mix. Which doesn't exclude sex, but it's not a major point.

06. Ideal mate: ...mate? See previous question on the subject of love. If we're just talking about someone she wouldn't mind being stuck with forever (and sleeping with), Dimo's the only one who'd even qualify, so there isn't anywhere near enough information to figure out what the 'ideal' would be like.

07. Turn-ons: Violence and pain, given or taken. Blood. Surprises, on either side. The outdoors, especially in interesting weather. Making others afraid.

08. Last sexual experience: One of the guards on that merchant ship before the raid. She liked him - he was quiet and competent. And happened to have the night watch that week. He seemed to enjoy himself, and didn't tell anyone what she was.

09. Favorite food: Heh. The kind that's still alive. Failing that, she likes trying new things. And chocolate is always good, of course.

10. Crushes: (in the "wanted to shag them (and probably did)" sense) Iago Heterodyne (who made her Jagerkin) - is it still a crush if it involves torture instead of sex? It was definitely a something. Of the very disturbing type. Dagon Heterodyne was the first real one, and very very good. Lasted quite a while, too. Dimo, on and off for a rather long time. Oggie wasn't really a crush, more of a "he's around and interested" situation. A few other Jägers over the centuries. Gil Wulfenbach, a little, although of course he was the Mistress's.

11. Favorite music: peasant songs from around Mechanicsburg. One of the few things she actually remembers from her human life - but the rest of her childhood ingrained the habit of quietness in her too well for signing.

12. Biggest fear: Failing at an important mission (which is actually a proxy for not being wanted/needed by the Heterodynes). Well, that or losing her friends again, but she's not thinking about that.

13. Biggest fantasy: the Castle being repaired. Or does it not count as a fantasy if she's pretty sure it is going to happen? In that case, having Agatha's heir turn out to be one of the mad evil Heterodynes again, like in the old times.

14. Quirks in bed: Loud. Violent (even if she wasn't planning on it, I mean). Doesn't snuggle at all - in fact will usually move to the floor or leave soon after sex. Sleeping too close to other people freaks her the hell out.

15. Bad habits: Killing people. Not apologizing. Unwillingness to express feelings. Disappearing. Frightening people - or trying to, but at least she takes it well if it doesn't work.

16. Biggest regret: She really doesn't think that way. Things happen, and there's little point in evaluating them.

17. Best kept secrets: The ones she was told to keep by her superiors. She doesn't have any big ones of her own, really. ...well, except for the fact that she has feelings, but most of the important people figured that out already.

18. Last thought: "I hope ve gets a nize storm."

19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Uncared-for young girl growing up with the Jager army? ...Yeah, rape. She coped.

20. Biggest insecurity: That the Heterodynes don't actually need or want her for anything. Which is fairly irrational (honestly, who wouldn't want to have some Jagers to order around?), but there you go. Childhood abandonment issues, yup.

meme, jenka

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