Our latest D&D session was on Saturday, so here is how we approached
the puzzle I talked about last week:
We found out from Lady Rose that the constructs are mindless, so mind-affecting magic of any kind wouldn't work. Potions also wouldn't work because they're mostly metal on the inside. And the Protectors unfortunately don't have the abilities to create any kind of magical item that would have been useful.
That gave us two methods of identifying a construct: Detect Thoughts and a magical item we'd found only recently, a rod that can detect metal. However we didn't find a way to overcome the problem of scale: there are about a hundred of them, and five of us. The city has "only" 10,000 citizens, not 100,000, but that's bad enough. Constructs apparently almost always travel in groups of at least two, or keep in close contact, which makes taking them out separately without the others noticing a lot harder, especially since they're apparently even better physical fighters than we feared and also on occasion use alchemical weapons. Detect Thoughts has a limited range and we couldn't think of a way to use it effectively enough.
In the end we agreed with the Lady Rose's plan to destroy (or at least hide) the item the god Heironeous needs to destroy the city, and in a few more days, when the god has shown himself unable to protect the city, Rose will march in with her army and with a lot of manpower it'll be much easier to find and destroy the constructs.
The item (a big crystal) was on a ship, guarded by a powerful servant of Heironeous. Our DM was clearly looking forward to the encounter. However our party prefers not to fight dangerous enemies if we don't have to, so we developed a plan that basically can be summed up as "let the druid do it." The druid, as a squid, tore the ship apart from below and then summoned a tornado to destroy what and whoever was left, and when the enemy actually survived that she summoned a huge shark that bit and finally drowned her. Do NOT piss off a druid.
The druid salvaged the body, which meant loot :D (The druid's player, to the player whose character searched the corpse: "Are you sure she's not hiding anything else?" That player: "Well you could turn back into a squid and perform a cavity search…" I don't think that exchange was in-game ^^) We found a very nice amount of magical items; I discovered metamagic wands and decided they are awesome. The enemy also had a paladin sword so powerful and valuable that we're not even quite sure what to do with it, especially since none of us are paladins and it'd be pretty much impossible to sell. Maybe we'll give it to the Lady Rose? She'd be even more inclined than she already is to help us with any equipment or assistance we require.
My cat was very disappointed that I decided not to keep the corpse in order to animate it later. (I was admittedly tempted, but it would have alienated the entire rest of the party (including the druid!) and that was not worth it.)
Right now we are traveling to the city on an airship in order to join Rose and her troops and help them destroy the constructs, and on the way there we are taking a very short break to deliver a politically sensitive letter. Let's see if we get around to destroying the constructs next time.
Crossposted from
comments there.