Title: To Catch A Robin
Author: Schnickledooger
Rating: T/PG-13
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Summary: Artemis has reason to believe that Robin, the Boy Wonder, attends Gotham Academy as well. All she needs is evidence. She enlists the help of Dick Grayson to track him down.
Word Count: 7,000+
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Comments 7
FFTTTTTT HAHahahhahahahaaha oh god that was great XD
Bette and Babs ganging up on Dick like that XD and then the whole part of Artemis stripping his shirt off and the TALK XD
oh god the ending XD he is such a troll.
Really you're over the limit of how many times you can do that to a human being. We're not all Martians and Kryptonians here.
Just everything and everyone, especially Bette and Barb. They are evil and we should hope they never intern with The Light because that was freaking brilliant, especially "If Robin is the total opposite of what us civilian see then it's completely obvious that he's really a girl!"
Batman's The Talk. GA being oh so helpful. Supey who is clueless and so smart at the same time. Same with Wally (I'm surprised he didn't gang up in this).
Madam I salute you. For now, I'm going to go find that oxygen tank. I really do need it.
This was so funny! Robin is a big troll but Barbara and Beth totally won XD
Poor Superman (or poor Superboy?) I can tell that talk is going to be painful hahahahaha
Oh man! That was hilarious! You got the characters spot on to me (granted, I don't know all that much about Bette and Barb in this world, but they fit really well in the story anyway). And Robin's trolling. Completely astrous!
Bravo on this excellent piece!
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