((ARedgormor - Dina))
((TransfigureM - Leisel))
((YeLL0w x b00ts - Sirius))
YeLL0w x b00ts: *is up in the common rooms, laying in Peter's bed and eyeing the window very closely*
TransfigureM: **walks up the stairs to the boys' dorms quietly carrying her DADA book**
YeLL0w x b00ts: Stupid Snivellus stalking Moony and who knows who else. *narrows eyes at window*
TransfigureM: **quietly knocks on the door to James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus's dorm**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *Jumps and sighs* Dammit. *sits up on the bed and goes open the door* Oh, hello there, Leisel.
YeLL0w x b00ts: What brings you here?
TransfigureM: **smiles at Sirius** I am having problems with my Defense Against the Dark Arts assignment... and I was wondering whether or not Remus could help me with it.
TransfigureM: **looks at the window and giggles** Is Snivvy watching you, Sirius?
YeLL0w x b00ts: Well, Moo--Remus is not here right now. *glares* No, at least...*turns to window* He better not. *looks out*
TransfigureM: **rests her head on the door** well damn... **fidgets with her jeans for a moment** Sorry to have bugged you... **turns to leave**
YeLL0w x b00ts: Well, you can always get him to help you out later. I could offer, but I have barely started my assignment. You don't have to leave, if you don't want to, you know. I could always use some company. *turns towards Leisel*
TransfigureM: **smiles** ok... **sits on the floor near the bed** I've written to my aunt, and although she said she wouldn't send me vodka... her son is going to... **giggle**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs* Well, at least he son is sending you some. I'll get the firewhiskey tomorrow or some other day. *nods*
TransfigureM: That is a very good Idea. **lies on her back and looks up at the ceiling** I'm going to ask Amelia Bones if she will bring Huffelpuffs and I might ask your cousin if she will talk to the Ravenclaws.
YeLL0w x b00ts: I could always walk up to random Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws and ask to come, I bet they'll say yes. Plus, I'm gonna try to play the guitar! *laughs* That'll be the main attraction!
TransfigureM: **giggles** Oh that would be wonderful. I think that we should only keep it Our year and up, don't want to corrupt the poor little ones..
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs* You're too nice to them. But, then again, you'll never know what will happen. And they will try to come down and join in.
YeLL0w x b00ts: *he ruffled his hair and grinned*
TransfigureM: **laughs** I know... but if they come, they come.. but I won't invite them.. and I won't make them leave
YeLL0w x b00ts: I can always scold them off. People have told me that my glares are hypnotic, you know. *laughs and glares at Leisel* See!
TransfigureM: **looks at Sirius and begins speaking in a monotonous voice** What is thy bidding my master? **sits up and struggles to not laugh**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *tries not to laugh as well* To go push Snivellus out of the window! *points over to the window and turns around right away* I swear I saw something there. Damnit, I'm getting paranoid, am I not?
TransfigureM: Well.. nasty little Snivvy is stalking me and all my friends.. yes you are paranoid.. **stands up and goes to look out the window** Your Dorm's window is higher than the one in our dorm.
YeLL0w x b00ts: Yes, well, this only has to stick between us. Prongs will laugh himself off, if he hears that I'm being paranoid about Snivellus watching us outside the window. But, it is a scary thought. Damn git.
TransfigureM: **turns around to look at Sirius and give him an evil grin**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *blinks* Leisel? You look...evil.
TransfigureM: I wont tell him if you tell me what you plan to do to Snivellus..
TransfigureM: **grins evilly**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *opens mouth, closes it* *scratches the back of his head* *opens mouth again and closes it* But, that's a secret between myself and I *lies down on the bed* I will not tell you.
TransfigureM: **giggles quietly and turns back to look out the window for a moment** EEEEK!!!! **falls backwards to the floor**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *sits up on the bed* Leisel? Falling on the floor won't make me tell you anything.
TransfigureM: **points at the window** something... out.. there..
YeLL0w x b00ts: *stands up* Where? *walks towards window*
YeLL0w x b00ts: You're just hallucinating, Leisel. *looks out window*
TransfigureM: **tackles Sirius and starts tickling him**
TransfigureM: yeah I know.. I was just trying to get you to let your guard down **laughs**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs and gets Leisel off him and pins her down to the floor* Well, miss, Leisel, you will have to pay for that. *starts to tickle her* and be happy that I haven't tied you to my bed yet.
TransfigureM: **laughs uncontrollably and tries to get her arms out of his grip**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *not letting go* Now, Leisel....*blinks* ah, damnit, I forgot what I was going to say.
TransfigureM: SIRIUS!!! **continues to try to get out of his grip**
transfigureM: **continues struggling and laughing under Sirius**
ARedgormor: *walks up into the boys' dorms, wondering whether to start calling out for Liese or not*
ARedgormor: *tilts head to the side and raises one eyebrow* Well, hello there. *snickers*
YeLL0w x b00ts: *not letting go of Leisel's arms and laughs*
transfigureM: SIRIUS! STOP IT!! **continues laughing**
ARedgormor: *manages to drag her eyes from the now very embarrassed naked boy and continues up the stairs to the Marauders' dorm*
YeLL0w x b00ts: *stops and licks her cheek* I stopped the tickling. Happy?
ARedgormor: *blinks at the sight in front of her* Sorry, bad timing, bye.
transfigureM: **laughs** Sirius!
ARedgormor: *turns around to go again*
ARedgormor: *shakes head at the boy who has now dressed* Pity.
YeLL0w x b00ts: *let's go of Leisel* err...*stands up and helps her up*
ARedgormor: *goes down to sit in the common room with her book and her bag of frozen raspberries*
TransfigureM: OH- Scheiße... **takes Sirius' hand and fixes her shirt which had gotten pulled up to bare her belly**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *runs a hand through his hair* Err...*coughs*
TransfigureM: **blushes** um.. we'd better go.. and.. tell Dina.. what happened..
YeLL0w x b00ts: It's not like anything bad happened.
ARedgormor: *puts a frozen raspberry on her nose, just for the hell of it* *ignores people staring and returns to her book*
transfigureM: Yeah.. but.. well.. Sie ging innen auf uns in einer sehr ungeraden Position. **blushes**
transfigureM: **picks up her books that had gotten moved across the floor and walked to the door** You coming?
YeLL0w x b00ts: *shrugs* Sure, I guess, I might as well come down.
transfigureM: **walks down to the common room and sits next to Dina on the couch**
ARedgormor: *looks up and coughs a little, making the raspberry vibrate and fall off* Pah. And hi.
transfigureM: **blushes and giggles a little** sorry you had to see that..
ARedgormor: *snickers* That's okay. No worse than your average porno.
YeLL0w x b00ts: Too bad you didn't take place in it. *laughs and shakes head*
transfigureM: wir hatten nicht Geschlecht
transfigureM: **sticks her tongue out at Sirius**
ARedgormor: *giggles* Nah, you two were cute enough without me. *offers raspberries around*
transfigureM: **pops a raspberry in her mouth and swallows it** What do you mean, we were cute?
YeLL0w x b00ts: Don't you use your non-English on me, Leisel! *turns to Dina and takes a raspberrie* Thanks.
ARedgormor: *gesticulates with her hands* Well, you know. Some people look fairly bad in the position *gesture* girl-on-top, but you guys *gesture* didn't look all too disturbing. So take it as a compliment, and you're welcome.
ARedgormor: *stuffs a couple of raspberries in her mouth*
ARedgormor: We were gonna play truth or dare, right? We should have more people.
transfigureM: **looks around the common room** Yeah... **stops to think for a moment**
YeLL0w x b00ts: *blinks* truth or dare?
ARedgormor: *waves her hand at him* Silence, mortal, great minds are at work.
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs* Then, I should be part of this.
transfigureM: Oh Sirius.. you are playing..
ARedgormor: *considers this* ... You can even be a great mind, too. If you summon your friends here to play with us.
ARedgormor: *to herself* But, yes, the whole idea was for you to play.
YeLL0w x b00ts: Well, I could do that, but there's one problem...I don't know where they are.
ARedgormor: Oh. Well. Okay. I guess you can be a great mind, anyway. Otherwise you'd be the only mortal here, and that'd be sad. Just bring your friends here when you find them.
transfigureM: yeah... we need them..
YeLL0w x b00ts: Err...ok, then, I guess I should go now? *blinks*
ARedgormor: As long as you don't bring your nasty cousin. *mutters*
ARedgormor: *looks up and around* Oh. Err. I dunno. I guess we could just wait here for them to show up.
ARedgormor: I mean, if you want to hang with your fellow great minds.
transfigureM: **giggles and puts her feet up next to her on the couch**
YeLL0w x b00ts: Err....well, they're probably busy *to self: like getting firewhiskey and butterbeer* So, I wouldn't want to bother them.
ARedgormor: Oh, admit it, you just want to stay here with us. *smiles concietedly and sucks on some more berries*
transfigureM: **grins at Sirius** you know that you love us Sirius.
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs* Right, I love you and I cannot bear to stay away from you. *goes over to hug Leisel and then Dina*
transfigureM: **giggles**
ARedgormor: *laughs* There, there, we love you, too.
transfigureM: Definitely.
ARedgormor: *starts singing loudly* He was a betraaayeeer! And a creep. Oh!
transfigureM: **laughs**
ARedgormor: ... Sorry. *glides down on the floor*
transfigureM: Oh it's allright.. I just wasn't expecting you to start singing..
ARedgormor: Neither was I, actually, but let's not talk about my poor impulse control.
YeLL0w x b00ts: You should be in my band, that I will start up soon.
transfigureM: **smiles** ooh really?
YeLL0w x b00ts: I will be playing the guitar on the party, for the first time too!
ARedgormor: *laughs* Could I? And yay! ... *thinks* The first time? That sounds... interesting. Yes! Interesting.
ARedgormor: I can play... err... I could probably learn to play drums.
transfigureM: Oh Dina.. you should Sing for them
transfigureM: erm.. him..
ARedgormor: Oh, hush. I can't sing.
YeLL0w x b00ts: You can so.
ARedgormor: I so can't. And him? Sing for Sirius? But didn't he hear me?
transfigureM: Well... he's the only one in the band.... that's why I said him.. it can be a 2 person band thing..
ARedgormor: Oh! That's what you meant. *cracks up* I'm stupid. But I can't sing for him/them, as I can't sing at all.
transfigureM: **whispers to Dina** And you think he can play the guitar..
YeLL0w x b00ts: *blinks* I heard something about a guitar!
transfigureM: **laughs**
ARedgormor: *looks at Sirius out of the corner of her eye and whispers back* Oh, dear.
ARedgormor: Liese was just telling me how wonderous you are at playing!
YeLL0w x b00ts: *baffled and not any more* Err....right. Well, I am good at it...or will be.
ARedgormor: Um... yes. You must be pretty good at it... yeah. *coughs*
transfigureM: **laughs so hard she falls off the couch onto Dina**
transfigureM: Woops.. Sorry Dina
ARedgormor: *starts laughing madly* What the hell?
YeLL0w x b00ts: *stares at them, grinning*
transfigureM: **looks at Sirius and gets off Dina** What are you grinning at?
ARedgormor: *grins back, showing ALL her teeth... making her look slightly, if not very, insane*
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs and shakes head* nothing, nothing, nothing at all.
ARedgormor: My thigh is itchy. *scratches it*
transfigureM: **returns to sitting on the couch and adjusts her shirt** Sure, Sirius.. you were thinking something naughty weren't you?
YeLL0w x b00ts: *laughs* What? Me? Never!
ARedgormor: *snickers* Sure. Never.
transfigureM: **laughs** oh yeah I forgot.. you're a perfect angel
YeLL0w x b00ts: of course, I am! and now, I think I will go search for James, Remus and Peter. *nods to them* I will see you two later. *walks out of the common room*
ARedgormor: Bye, Mr. Perfect Angel.
transfigureM: **laughs harder** ByeBye Sirius!
transfigureM: **looks at Dina** I think we should play Truth or dare some other time..
ARedgormor: We probably should. After we gather some more people. Hey, we should make signs or whatnot and try to get people from other houses as well!
ARedgormor: Like, putting notices up around the school or whatever.
transfigureM: Oh! Good Idea.. maybe we should play it at the Party!
ARedgormor: Yeah! We should! *coughs* After Sirius'... playing.
transfigureM: Hehe...
transfigureM: **stands up and looks at her watch** Oh my it's almost dinner time..
ARedgormor: It is? I don't feel very hungry, but then I ate almost all the rapsberries. Are you going down to the Great Hall?
transfigureM: Yeah.. I'm really hungry.. and I don't know why I ate about a dozen Chocolate Frogs before I started my Homework
ARedgormor: You starting your period or something?
transfigureM: Oh no.. I must have exerted more energy when...
transfigureM: yeah... much energy exertion..
transfigureM: **picks up her books and goes to open the portrait hole**
ARedgormor: *snickersnort* I thought you saved yourself for Remus. But yeah, see ya.
transfigureM: WE just were wrestling...
transfigureM: I.. er.. tackled him.. and it went a little far is all.. He's very strong..
transfigureM: **blushes** We didn't kiss or anything like that..
ARedgormor: 'Went a little far', huh? *snickers to herself*
ARedgormor: *looks up* You know, even if you had kissed, you wouldn't have to be ashamed of it.
transfigureM: **turns deeper red** it was just tickling
ARedgormor: *smiles* Yeah, whatever.
transfigureM: I only want Remus.. you know that... Sirius and I are just really good friends
ARedgormor: I know, dude. I know. How come you don't want Sirius, anyway? I mean, how come you fell so in love with Remus?
transfigureM: Remus is just... so.. DIFFERENT... he's not like James, Sirius, and Peter...
ARedgormor: True. But then, I wouldn't say Peter is very much like Sirius, James or Remus, either.
transfigureM: I know... he's adorable don't get me wrong... But there's something about Remus that I just cant put my finger on..
ARedgormor: Who knows what makes us fall for the people we fall for? *shrugs* I guess that's just the way it is.
ARedgormor: I mean, I never know why I fall for the people I fall for, at least. *stands up and stretches* I think I'll retreat to bed for a bit, though. I'm really tired. But I'll find you later, and we'll plan more about the party. *waves*
transfigureM: **smiles and waves** Oh we must talk later, Dina
transfigureM: **pushes the portrait open and climbs out to go to dinner**
ARedgormor: We will, dearest. *smiles and snickers a little* If you decide to sleep with Sirius again, I hope the sex is good, oh Naughty One. *giggles and goes up into her dorm*
transfigureM: **yells back to the common Room** We DIDNT HAVE SEX
ARedgormor: *yells back* SURE YOU DIDN'T!
TransfigureM: **slams the portrait shut and goes to the great hall giggling like a mad-woman**