Fred/Giles Stuff

Jul 22, 2006 17:16

Fred/Giles RPGs

+protecting_you - AU a few years after 'Chosen' and 'Home'. Society is now ran by demons, and Fred and Giles fight to make the world a better place for their infant son Wesley. Also includes cameos by Willow, Oz, Spike, Angel, Lorne, and Faith.

Written by: gothicautumn03 (Fred) and larakailyn (Giles)

+booksandscience - AU after 'Chosen' and 'Home'. Giles takes over the Council, and hires Fred to run the science lab.

Written by: larakailyn (Fred) and gothicautumn03 (Giles)

+cold_affection - AU during Buffy S7 and Angel S4. Angelus turns Fred into a vampire after killing Wesley. After her awakening, Fred lures Giles and Willow to LA, where she turns Giles to be her Childe, and lover, for all of eternity.

Written by: gothicautumn03 (Fred) and larakailyn (Giles)

+x_furiousangels - AU Post "Chosen" and "A Hole In The World". After being killed by Illyria's infection, Fred becomes an Angel for the Powers That Be, and her first assignment is Giles.

Written by: larakailyn (Fred) and gothicautumn03 (Giles)


+meaningofheroes - Giles/Fred/Wesley. FRAO by larakailyn and Jess
+Never Intended - FRT - by larakailyn
+ Want - FRAO by larakailyn
+Their Triangle> - Giles/Fred/Wesley - FRT by larakailyn
+Recovery - FRT by gothicautumn03
+ The (Almost) Perfect Gift - Giles/Fred/Wesley - FRT by gothicautumn03

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