Saw "Game of Shadows" the other day. It was quite good (I still love these little sequences when Holmes calculates everything in advance - good idea there, Guy Ritchie), although the plot wasn't as good as the first one. The first movie really blew me away, plot-wise; this one wasn't bad, but not outstanding, either.
Noomi Rapace - how charismatic is that woman? She had this rather bland, clicheed character, but she made it cool.
Stephen Fry - the first Mycroft I liked! I even can't stand him in the books, but it's just impossible not to like Stephen Fry. Especially naked. Wheeeeh.
And the classical music - I never realized how stoned those classical composers must have been. I mean. Don Giovanni? A statue coming to life and taking a guy to hell? Blllwgh, Mozart? Then there's the trout song, of which I can only understand one sentence (vaguely "you can't bamboozle this fish"), because you just can't understand opera singing, even if it's in your own language. You're not supposed to. Anyway, cheating a fish? What the ...? I got nothing. Nothing.
Oh... and Watson has got to be the worst doctor in the history of anything. Yeah, I know, it's a very popular clichee in movies, but you can't revive a heart by hitting someone's chest with your fist. If you try that, all you can do is break their ribs. The POINT about CPR is that you press down the only part of the ribcage you can move - the sternum, where the ribs are only cartilage material. You do this 15 times, then you ventilate the person twice, then 15 more on the sternum...
What you don't do: hit the bony part of the ribcage with your fist, shout abuse, give up and break down in tears after 6 seconds.
Most of the time, I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Hilarious movie, not as smart as the first one, but a good one, nevertheless.