TITLE: Instantanées
AUTHOR: schtroumpfette9
PROMPT: #20, #22, #23, #26, #31
SUMMARY: These tiny moments that define everything
WARNINGS: none an some smoking (I am not promoting it, it's a really nasty habit ;-) )
DISCLAIMER: I don't own a thing
A/N: Thanks to Erin, my amazing beta! (Grey)GreenGroinHow36.
productivity100 (#20) Catherine - Trigger
“So… How is Catherine?”
She was surprised by her mother’s question and she had to take a little time before answering.
“Hum… I, I don’t know. It’s not like we are on the best terms now”
“Why? You’re still speaking with Michael, no?”
“Yes, but it’s different, he wasn’t on set everyday”
“And?” her mom inquired
“I… It’s just that, well, maybe we were like a lot in our bubble and I don’t how it looked like for the others and she was, is, Michael friend. Really, I think she feel cheated because she made us meet and if not…”
“Well, let’s be happy she did”
She smiled at her mom and keep peeling the apples.
(#22) Chris - What are you wearing?!
The one thing she absolutely loved about their director was his wearing habits. Nothing could brighten up her day like some colourful outfit.
It had became a game between them: when he knew she would most certainly feel down one day he would put on some awful piece of clothing.
The day when they shout the break up he arrived with the most girly stuff one man could wear: a fluffy pink trapper hat and she laughed so hard her coffee came up from her nose.
But the best was when he knew she would be stressed for the London premiere and he put on the most horrible orange pants he owned. She loved him for that.
(#23) Cigarettes - Sex
Her high-pitched moans echoed all around the room, making him thrust harder.
The little lamp on the table, the only light in the room was casting a golden glow on their intertwined forms.
She clawed at his back and thrust her hips up against his, her release so close she could taste it on her tongue.
Afterward, she kissed the damp skin of his chest, sucking one of his nipples in her mouth making him groan.
She reached out for the cigarettes and lighted one, feeling the smoke burn in her throat, making the ever-present burn between her tights more bearable.
She gave him the cigarette and the sight of the smoke sleeping out of his opened mouth almost made her come again.
(#26) David - Goliath
Some days he thought he would never make it, he would never leave Edward behind him.
He could make every damn movie in the world, everybody would always see him has some sparkly vampire. Those days, he was so pissed at Edward; he would give anything to be the little unknown musician he was before.
Today wasn’t one of those days. Today he was listening to people talk on television, people who where excited.
Today, he had received a call from his agent who was crying so much he couldn’t hear what she said.
Today he had made his girlfriend cry, too.
Today he had had a nomination.
(#31) Gala - Lorca
She always believed Gala was an amazing and strong woman, a figure.
For her, Gala and Dali had the most magnificent love, the kind of love you find once in a decade.
Then, one day, she watched one of Rob’s movies.
She discovered a new side of Dali; she felt a little more in love with Rob, but most of all, she found out that the real love story wasn’t where she believed it was.
When the shoots ringed out, a painful sob was ripped out of her chest and when Dali depicted his pain she knew she never cried so much for two people’s destiny.