Almost done!
How did he miss that?!? Better than coffee, as far as distraction goes.
"It was floating in your gin and tonic?"
"Real eye-opener."
"That must've really freaked you out."
"Yeah. Thought I needed a drink before; Really needed one after."
Well, it's her case.
…EJ? You don't get to say this kind of thing. I can understand being pissed off at Gibbs, but the rest of the team? A) Didn't attack you. B) Made a damn big jump in your case just last episode.
God, I hope it's not an attempt from the writers to manipulate us into hating her. I hate when they do that. And it's the best way to push me the other way.
Tony, you did hear the insult, right?
Awwww, Palmer is doing everything by himself.
Pentagon again?
A case so quickly resolved before? Hmmm, season 6, Broken Bird, the girl who stabbed her ex-boyfriend in the street.
Please, don't say jealousy, don't say jealousy. Only because I don't want this storyline to be Rivkin 2, with the roles reversed. Not sure if EJ is on "Bad guy" side, or "Future Dead" side yet.
"I'm not sure how I feel about that woman."
"I know what you mean."
"She is what my Bubbe David would, uh, call a real nidchefet."
"I can only guess what that means."
"Loses something in translation."
Tony? Back to work. That's why Gibbs has rule n°12. If you can't concentrate when she's just a co-worker and not a teammate…
Let me guess…Donner? Guy looks like Ben Browder on his photos.
…How McGee missed him? He was probably not there at this time. Also, don't pretend you're above snooping in people's stuff, Timmy, Ziva caught you the last time :D
Man, 30 years old, had LASIK surgery…Heard Pauley said it was someone we knew, that take Jeanne out. Who do we know of this age, possibly with glasses last time we saw him?
McAbby! I don't know which team I want to see win.
Ziva won!
Oh, Abby's dating someone from Barrett's team too? Ziva will go with the third member, or will it be Gibbs?
Okay, not Donner, then. Don't know how to take his lack of reaction at the mention of the baby, but showing something when talking of DNA test. Option A, actor missed his cue. Option B, he's lying and wanted to prevent the test.
Seriously EJ? You're not going to be the jealous girlfriend, right? I'm ignoring the cologne comment because she's allowed to not like a smell and say it. Let's wait and see if she's also the controlling type.
Also, wow, she's small!
Ah, saying the truth! That's different.
*sigh* McGee…you have an awesome girlfriend in canon who happened to be your perfect woman, stop being jealous. Well, at least, he could be jealous because Cade sound perfect and not because he was with Abby. *snort* love Abby's smile.
Oh wow, I love Ziva's vest in this scene!
Hey, David ! You missed Colby, he was there last year. And killed. You're both undercover, aren't you? Where's Charlie and Don?
How come she has the pretty screen?!? Someone, go flirt with Steve to have the same thing!
Ooh, twist!
"My father is a research ophthalmologist. Every night at dinner, he would pontificate on the wonders of "the spherical organ." The eyeball."
Oh Tony. Expecting the slap.
Every time these two walk somewhere, I'm feeling like watching a catwalk show. They're this beautiful.
Tony wants a serious talk with Daddy. He brought the bribe.
Tony, you'd have more chance to prove your point if you stayed concentrated. Gibbs, you're going to push Tony away from the team, stop it.
…Dude, he ignored Abby's call. It's big.
But you did, Tony! (OMG, OMG, I don't like where it's going, OMG) You spent more time looking at her than doing your job! I want to be on your side concerning your private life and Gibbs's no right on it, but he's right!
Hee, he kept her photoshopped photo :D
…I forgot she read lips.
Did he microwave bread? Ugh.
Seeing how her choices went, I understand her.
"You didn't go home last night?"
"Bert and I spent the night on the floor."
Good lord, they're all better. And a little too much.
Of course he does. (By the way, Ziva too, if nobody forgot it.). Watch out, team, you should know than David can also fly. Or was it Colby?
"You remembered the face?"
"Special Agent Cade has a photographic memory."
"Of course he does."
"Cade, thanks."
Also, I like how awkward Cade was at the mention of his photographic memory. It's like he's conscious of how too perfect he (actor or character) is and he tries to not make a big deal of it. Make me like him.
Tony tried to exchange a disbelieved look with Tim, but missed.
Oh God, stop it with the relationship talk. Seriously. Oh, they didn't go there, nice. I like when Tony and Tim talk about their problems with the guys around Abby and Ziva, they always mention a reason other than jealousy for their girl. (See Tim's reaction at Tony's research on Rivkin [rightful suspicion& work] and Tony's antipathy at Damon [broken nose].)
"I know what's going on in that paranoid little brain of yours, Timmy. You're not the smartest kid in the class anymore, and you don't like it."
…Oh Timmy. So slow. *giggle*
Tunney's the bad guy?
Bad images, Tony, this idea sent baaaaad images in my brain.
"What do you think Miles would charge to make a mask of Gibbs?"
"I wouldn't go there. You're in enough trouble with him already."
Okay, that was so a mask on this old guy.
Caught by the cologne!
Ah, Cote missed her cue there. Or Mark went too fast. He started running and looked behind for Cote who was still waiting.
Look at Gibbs touching the killer.
Awesome team shot:
They're going to try the MTAC?
…Shit. Which agent do we know, male, allowed in the MTAC, that we didn't see in a while? And I'm going to hide the Pauley spoiler, because we don't know yet who it is. Can't be Morrow, more than 30. Fornell too, right? RIGHT??