…Sorry. I kind of thought I already posted that.
The finaaaale!
EJ? Did he kidnap her?
Not!David! Noo! He's with Colby, now.
Cade, stay alive!
Yeah, he took her. How did he knock her without shooting her? Tony who wants so badly go after her.
EJ? She's alive!
Wait, Vance was there? Or he's just imagining it?
Meaning Vance, meaning he's probably not going to survive.
What the…? If you pay attention to her face, she’s surprised by what she felt. So, not sure if she knew that was there or what it was. On the other hand, why would she keep it to herself? Maybe she wants to protect her teammate.
For women or for you too, Timmy?
"I understand, seriously. I really like Cade, and I can understand how a man of his stature could be intriguing"
…no, agent Levin died because a murderer shot him.
Now she's considering him her boyfriend? I guess fearing for his life wake up some feelings. He's going to be dead, isn't he?
Oh shit, Ziva!
Oh, new stuff in the office!
Pretty flower, it's for what? And who? So Mike was dying.
*snort* I don't know what I prefer: Kort putting his feet on the table or Vance pushing them off.
"If she gets hurt, you answer to me."
"Is he threatening me, Director?"
"If he wasn't, I am."
Well, isn't that something every woman like to hear from their boyfriend?
Woah! He's got guts.
…SECNAV is her uncle?
Awww, Ray’s the first near her.
Love the amusement of Brody at Palmer being unwilling to put his arm in front of him. Awww, Palmer is getting married!!! Why we didn't see the announcement? And, oh god, please, don't kill Palmer.
Palmer!!! Nice move from Brody and EJ’s hair, though.
Aww, he's leaving? Alive or dead? Still think Brody wants Vance
Palmer, EJ, and? Kort.
Oh, little silent communication between Palmer and Gibbs.
Well, that was anticlimactic. He wanted to die? The resolution of the threat of Super Killer via cop suicide is a lot like the end of the Kai’s storyline. I’m disappointed.
Awww, everybody's leaving. I want Cade to stay. Or to come back.
McGee too. He wants to know more about his….stature.
Love the little amused smile of Gibbs.
"I think I'll stay put. No sense walking away from a good thing."
"That a compliment, DiNozzo?"
"No, boss. Sorry. Never."
I kind of want EJ to come back too. I mean, with more characters, McGee will have even less to do, but still, I like her.
A not ring?
Wait, that was a yes?
"It's empty."
"You disappointed?"
"Well, I know what I would like better."
"Well, tell them that I threatened to divorce you."
"They know I'm not married."
"Well, if you keep doing this, you'll never be."
Gah, Ray! I like you, don't be involved into bad stuff and Kort, and Eli, and who know what else!
Oh, Franks. Damn, I didn't really care, then they show Leyla and her daughter and I started crying.
Oh. He was building his coffin. How long did he know Mike was dying? Yes flashback, we recognise them, no need to do that.
I’d like to know what Gibbs say to make her smile like that.
Where's Ziva?
There's a mole in NCIS? Again? And Tony got a personal, secret job with the bosses, again?
Okay, it's not Vance or he wouldn't be there. It's someone Tony knows and cares, because Vance wanted to spare him that. They're not going the Ziva/ Rivkin Ray road again, right? (Hell, they probably don't know who it's going to be until they start writing the new season, but still.)
I'll never believe it's Gibbs. Not McGee either. I mean, at least, they'll do something big with him, but can we really believe McGee would do something like that? Unless he’s being framed up.
EJ, I guess. If Vance's friend doesn't want the team to know, it's probably someone close to all of them. Palmer? Unbelievable too. Only let the new guys, EJ or Cade.
And seeing how they never dealt with the stuff she took from Levin…
And here’s the end of the season. And to be honest, I don’t know how I’ll take the new one. Oh, I’ll watch it, but with Jesse gone, I’m not sure of how much stuff McGee will have. Gary Glasberg is the new boss and while I appreciate the diminishing level of Tiva anvils and the return of a professional Tony, he doesn’t know what to do with McGee and he’s reduced to geek boy/jealous&possessive with Abby.
Plus, let’s be honest, he doesn’t know how to close an arc. See the Reynosa and P2P. And with the hint of the new arc being a repeat of season 4 and 6…
Can’t they have two show runners, one for the characters and the other for the storyline?
It’s not that I watch only for McGee, but he’s my favourite and if he’s going to be reduced to the roles Abby and Ducky have, I’d like to know it beforehand.
I’d also like the usual fighting teams to include him in their new war theme (GG is distorting the characters!/ GG is bringing back the team at the front!). Strange how the first one only means Ziva liking Ray and the second think McGee is actually at the front. No wonder they think of him as an arrogant know-it-all thinking he’s better than everyone else. If he’s doing more than reading his screen, he’s above his functions in the team!
While I’m there, I’d also like a TARDIS and a robot to do all the cleaning.