fangilry dream...X_X;

Jan 20, 2008 09:29

... this is a really incoherent fangirly dream i just had. Yes, a fangirly dream X_X; i never thought I'd have one xD;;

Actually i'm not too sure how it started, BUT while it's fresh in my brain...

I was with my orchestra practicing for a concert at...some college i guess. (How we sounded, I don't remember...probably sucked like crap -mutter-). And then suddenly, someone tells us that it's going to be a joint concert with ....Some other people. I turned my head to the big program and see..
Mucc. .......... yea. Mucc. HOW, i DON'T KNOW XD;
(This isnt the fangirly girly part yet..because i don't normally fangirl over Mucc; )
So, continuing on with the practice, I didn't really pay attention to the fact that a bunch of jrockers were present. Then our conductor (NOT Mr.K o_O!,sorta looked like Towson U's conductor), said "Stand up". So we stood up.
Pointing at me and a few other girls, she goes "You, you, and you. You girls need dress shoes.."
"..Okay, ma'm" But in my head, i was thinking "...where the hell? we're at the freaking concert hall...and i don't have access to 'formal' shoes.."
The two other girls and I set out on a hunt for shoes, and Yukke decides to follow us o_o;...But we didn't turn around xD; We then went into the shoe room, where OTHER people's shoes were stored. Pft, so we just took the ones that fit and argued about whether or not they were allowed to be open toed or closed (=_= our school says closed, but we go for open sometimes xD).
WHILE debating, Yukke comes up and starts talking to us in..English. I don't really remember the conversation itself, but i do remember going "お~!!あなたの英語は上手!!" (anata no eigo ha jyouzu; trans. your english is very good) -shot- Which, in my head was actually, "Since when did you know how to speak english without it sounding hilarious o_o;?"
So the conversation goes on, and he's talking to me about how he doesn't really like the trumpet. (......Yukke and trumpet o_o;?)
-----skip------crap scenes--------------assume that the concert went on, but i don't really remember it going on-----------------------------------------------------------------

Ok so then we met up with Mucc, and then half of Super Junior randomly appeared too o-O;;!
We were in someone's comfy little room and were just talking..talking for a good long time. About what, I don't remember. Then, HECHUL gave me a small little box o_O;
"It's for you" :D -Hechul...
So I opened the box... ".....are you giving me a bomb?", then Hechul does his Hechul like actions and just gawk in disbelief, and such.
Anyhow, I opened it and theres a bunch of badly shredded paper, and underneath was, I think a ticket o_O; Someone in the background was speaking "Korean" about it. So I just go Thank you, and then Manager (...i think), called us down for dinner.
Satochi fell down the stairs. xD;;.....

PFT, here's the fangirl moment.
Everyone was going to their vans/cars, and I just darted for this little red toy car...and it happened to be a "miracle" that it was DongHae's xDDD;........
(picture this kids. DongHae in little red to car...)
So he "drove" me to the restaurant which was basically a big mall..and i think my dad and I got lost trying to find ..the C lettered Restaurant xD; So we called a few of my other friends who were i think With DongHae, and then we finally heard them. Then we sat in a big table (SuperJunior and all..), and ate. Then DongHae took me to the buffet. So I grabbed a plate, and stared at the "buffet". It was like... the supermarket but with neon blue light and a purple haze in the entire area....... Raw stuff/ not hot/ not..a buffet.
DongHae, and in DongHae manner, just starts picking food and shoves them onto my plate o_o;. I remember the japanese sweet potato (the purple inside) being there, and a dai kon o_O;;;;;
As I walked up to the register, I realized that my wallet was down stairs where we were eating in my coat pocket. DongHae whips out 40 dollars. I stared at him and went "O_O;; where did you get the money?!" Because I think he used up quite a lot of money before paying for something.. But anyhow. So I got the.."food" and went back down clinging to DongHae =_=;; (..I CLING O_o;!? should be opposite. DongHae clings.)
Then we come across the play section area, where it was matted. DongHae automatically sits down and basically abducts a little kid xD; / Abducting meaning, playing with him, and not the dad that was with the kid xDDD; ) So I go over, and just sit and laugh.

....THE END XD;?

wasn't that exciting =_=?.....

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