Ewen and Ashley's trip - progress update!

May 21, 2007 16:45

(first posted 19 May 2007, I'm going to bump it up every time I update)

Ewen has been sending me texts to let me know where he and Ashley are in their travels, and I thought a few of you might find that interesting. :-) So if you do, here is a link to a google earth file to check out their progress. Let me know if it works ok, and I'll update again in a few days. Feel free to share with friends who they know but I don't, I'll make all these posts open. If anyone wants to "watch" me for the duration of their trip go for it.


What to do:

Method 1:
put the URL directly in to Google Earth (Right click "My Places", choose "Add", then "Network Link", paste the URL in to the "Link:" field). This way it will automatically check for a new file every time you open Google Earth, and you don't have to repost or change the link every time [thanks to Johannes for this method]

Method 2:
Save the file to your desktop.
Open the file in Google Earth, it will put it in your temporary places folder.

europe, ashley, ewen

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