It's that time of the year again...

Oct 15, 2012 12:59

So, who else is doing nano ( Read more... )

schwee :), writing, nano

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Comments 12

13oct October 15 2012, 18:19:42 UTC
Since I can't write to save my life, I just do the whole nablopomo thing. Figure that's the least I can do. :P


schweinsty October 15 2012, 18:31:57 UTC
:D Close enough! I've never actually won, lol though maybe this year! - I just really love getting excited and the sense of community.


tanyareed October 15 2012, 18:43:45 UTC
Me! Me! I'm doing nano. :)


schweinsty October 15 2012, 18:45:48 UTC
Haha, I was just going to see if you'd posted on lj, since I just saw you on the nano swap thread :D! What are you writing this year?


tanyareed October 15 2012, 22:29:56 UTC
I'm writing a sequel to a Due South story I wrote ten years ago where two of the female characters are spies. In the first story, they were undercover and had to escape the bad guys when their identities were discovered. In this one, an important person is going to disappear, and they've got to go undercover in a fictional South American country to find out what happened to him.

What are you writing about this year? (Whoops. I forgot you said already. It sounds interesting! Are you all outlined and stuff?)


tanyareed October 17 2012, 08:14:29 UTC
Oh, how interesting! That sounds like a plot out of Scarecrow and Mrs. King or something (in a good way) :D. Is the first Due South fic posted online?

I'm pretty much decided on the more disconnected set of apocalypse- themed stories. I'm definitely rebelling this year, as I'd already started two of them (one where aliens invade earth and a group of people escape from a prison camp and hide out together, another where, in a postapocalyptic future, a girl gets cast out of her village and excommunicated from society and travels the country by herself) a while back but had mostly abandoned them. Hopefully those two will each be somewhere between 7-15k (I'm fairly awful at predicting wordcount though, lol), and I have some basic ideas, though I'm still trying to outline a bit more, several shorter stories to finish out the month with :).


alessandriana October 16 2012, 20:34:06 UTC
I am! Although I'm just going for 25k this year instead of 50k. (I've won 4 years in a row, so I know I can do it. But I'm a horribly slow writer and it's crazy stressful writing that much with a fulltime job.)

I've got my world and characters all picked out (it's a rewrite of a previous year.) I just can't... quite figure out what the actual plot is!


schweinsty October 17 2012, 08:18:32 UTC
Oh, good for you! I think the wordcount part gets overstressed sometimes - it's great that you're giving it a go despite your busy schedule. Good luck, I hope it all works out :D.

And, lol, I'm in a similar boat with some of the shorter pieces I'm trying to plan. Is it a fantasy/sci-fi piece?


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