Best Day Ever...With Carrot Cake!

Apr 26, 2010 17:36



And Meme, ganked from milieva.

Pick 20 movies/literary works/television series and put their summaries from Better Than It Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess them.

1) A group of bored people walk to visit the site where somebody died. On the way, they tell stories in hopes of winning food.milieva

2) A multi-cultural couple should get together for love of a vacuum cleaner, but they don't.

3) Guy kills old lady and her sister to prove his ideas. Ban, via AIM (Crime and Punishment)

4) A poor girl is forced to pretend she's a boy and hang out with obnoxiously rich Bishonen as punishment for destroying private property. milieva

5) Two men have vaguely philosophical conversations while waiting for someone who never shows up. coyotegoth

6) The old man becomes a younger hobo who travels with the sailor, the secretary, a piper who forgot his pipes, a Victorian orphan, and a genius. Sadly, the records of their adventures are gutted. milieva via AIM (Second Doctor era Doctor Who)

7) A trigger-happy botanist and an elderly sanitation worker fall in love. Then they rescue some fat people from a steering wheel. abbeylovely

8) A pro ballplayer's hometown is blown up by a giant Space Whale. One thousand years later, he goes on a quest to beat up his father. Ban, via AIM (Final Fantasy X)

9) Red Dwarf IN PASADENA! milieva (Who accidentally cheated)

10) A brave but dim young man with a goofy haircut enters the high-stakes world of bread-making. Ban, via AIM (Yakitate Japan!)

11) An entomologist, a former stripper, a gambling addict, and a group of nerds and geeks perform obscure activities in a lab to musical accompaniment. They Fight Crime. milieva

12) Celebrity stalker is lied to by his girlfriend and a moma's boy has a temper tantrum. Side plots include racing birds, stealing motorcycles, the militant arm of Green Peace, and everyone feels bad because the Cutie gets cut by a Ginsu knife. Ban, via AIM (FInal Fantasy VII)

13) A Five Token Band with a custom-made set of friendship rings and a mulleted superhero with too many powers and too many weaknesses save the environment.milieva

14) A thirty-year old sixteen-year-old young-ish emo kid gets sent on a Mission From God (or possibly Satan) to kill his mother and uncle (who is also his stepfather). Then his girlfriend goes insane, dies, and he goes insane. And dies. His best friends (who are also Evil Minions without meaning to be) get their very own Deconstruction four hundred years later. milieva

15) A spoiled bitch and a lecherous scoundrel fight for slavery. They're our heroes. - Random Anonymous Person I Don't Know Who is Nonetheless Not Creepy! (Gone with the Wind!)

16) Crippled Doctor can't decide if he's Batman, Sherlock Holmes, or Nietzsche; solves medical mysteries to keep the crushing ennui at bay only to find that Victory Is Boring. milieva

17) An elderly female author moonlights as a homicide investigator in her idyllic hometown and on the road. The Author is a lovely woman, but an astonishing number of her friends, relatives, and neighbors die every year, such that her hometown has a murder rate 3 times that of Detroit in 1974. Murders are solved through keen observation skills, clever verbal traps, and convenient confessions. milieva

18) Laser tag is Serious Business, Real Time Strategy games even more so. milieva

19) An overly dramatic honor student, a Perky Goth Genki Girl and a bored deity attempt to save the world by killing large quantities of the people living on it. Their sworn enemies include: a possibly autistic detective, a Teen Genius with action figure obsession and a chocolate-loving emo chick boy. Ban, via AIM (Death Note)

20) An old man kidnaps a boy and takes him to South America, where they have "adventures". coyotegoth

meme, awesome, real life

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