Medical question: bullet wound

Nov 09, 2007 14:25

First of all, I just want to say I'm glad this comm is still around! Thanks for not deleting it.
And now, for my question referring - once again - to a bullet wound.

Okay, so I have this guy shot in the back. I haven't been specific about range or caliber, but the exit wound (stomach) is bigger than the entry wound (back). I also wasn't very specific about the wound, all I said was that
a) it's in the stomach area
b) it bleeds a lot
c) the bullet went straight through the body.
d) the shot guy was fading in and out of consciousness, but while conscious, still able to talk.

Now for the questions: As far as I know, the liver is one of the most... "robust" human organs, so does that mean that the patient would recuperate quickly? How quick? Also, there are a lot of important arteries (veins?) running through it, so it would bleed a lot, right?
All in all, some muscle and liver damage would be what I think that shot did to the poor victim. But would there be any other organs in the way? Would his intestines be damaged, too? And does that automatically lead to a sepsis?

I'd be extremely thankful for any help!

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