[Scene] Welcome Back Dinner

Jan 31, 2009 19:47

Lana: *it's early Saturday evening and the two Skye sisters are on the road in Lana's car, heading to the restaurant where they'll be meeting Edgeworth for dinner. Lana is driving; she keeps her eyes focused on traffic for the most part, but at a red light she raises the mirror flap of the driver's side car visor and gives her appearance a quick inspection. She's dressed rather formally--though not much more than usual*

Ema: *in the passenger seat, Ema lets out an annoyed huff as she adjusts the skirt she's wearing -- it has an annoying habit of twisting all funny. For once she's without her pink-tinted glasses or labcoat, and she feels at a loss without them. It's quite a sacrifice but they are dining with Mr. Edgeworth, after all. She glances over at Lana* He didn't say where we're eating, did he?

Lana: I didn't have a chance to look at the menu, but the place is called "Hammerly's," on the corner of Bathurst and Spadina-- *glances over to her sister, brushing back a stray lock of hair from Ema's face before she looks back to the road. The light turns green, and she continues driving onward* It's been a while since the last time you met him, correct?

Ema: Yeah, it has been awhile... *she reaches up to adjust her glasses, realizes they're not there, and settles to twirl a piece of her hair instead, with a sense of anxiety about her* So he's Chief Prosecutor now...

Lana: Yes, he is. *makes a smooth left turn, onto a larger street* Did you already mention that you're thinking of coming back and working here? I'm sure he would be interested in knowing in detail.

Ema: *quickly looks at her sister* Really? You think? *chews at her lip, facing forward* I guess, maybe... if it comes up. *glances back over* Do you... think I should mention it?

Lana: Yes--well, you can tell him what you've been telling me; you're thinking of making the change sometime soon, although you don't have a date as of yet. *signals to turn into a small shopping plaza at the corner. Driving into the parking lot, her eyes scan for the restaurant's name along the row of shops. The restaurant is halfway down the lot, and its colorful neon sign marks a... far more casual dining location than she'd expected* Hmm...

Ema: *her eyebrows go up. She's a little surprised, but at the same time relieved. If it's casual, she won't have to worry about figuring out which fork is which or something ridiculous like that* Well, I guess this is it, huh?

Edgeworth: *stands outside the brightly colored glass doors of the restaurant, a long trenchcoat over his regular suit. The wind toys with the end of his hair and the collar of his jacket as he turns to see the familiar car enter the lot. He turns back to the restaurant, a brown brick affair with gaudy red accents. He had not checked it out beforehand, and in retrospect, probably should have*

Lana: *is almost about to pull out the memopad with the restaurant's address written on it to confirm the location--how many places are named Hammerly, though?--before she spots the prosecutor in the trenchcoat standing off to the side* It seems so. *drives into the nearest parking spot, and shuts off the car's engine*

Ema: Well... let's go then. *she swallows, and gets out of the car, adjusting her outfit quickly as she does so. She spots the prosecutor, grins, and calls out a greeting* Hello, Mr. Edgeworth!

Edgeworth: *nods at her* Hello, Ema. Welcome back to the country. Not suffering too badly from jet lag, I hope.

Ema: *laughs lightly* Oh, no. Not at all! I'm pretty well recuperated.

Lana: *locks up the car after she steps out of it. She smiles at the man in greeting* This is an interesting choice of venue.

Edgeworth: *his returning smile is warm. He looks up at the building, his expression unreadable* Yes, I did a search on restaurants that met the particular criteria you gave me for Ema's preferences. *nods at Ema* To your liking?

Ema: *shoots a look at her sister quickly before responding* Yes, this is great! I've never been here before, but it looks nice. *glances at her ensemble* I feel a little overdressed though... I guess we all are.

Lana: It seems like that's the case. *glances from her sister to Edgeworth, not seeming all that embarrassed by it at all* ...but it was very thoughtful of you. *adjusts her purse, and looks over to the restaurant's door* Shall we?

Edgeworth: *steps forward, heels clicking in a quick rhythm as he opens the door courteously for the two women and stands aside* Of course. Please. *cocks his head welcomingly*

Ema: *beams* Thanks, Mr. Edgeworth. I see you're still polite as ever. *steps through the door and into the restaurant*

Lana: *waits till her sister disappears into the restaurant before she walks up to Edgeworth, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a brief kiss* I meant what I said--it is thoughtful of you. *smiles at him, and walks on in*

Edgeworth: My pleasure... *pauses before entering, still getting used to the touch of her lips and the utter force of her smile. He follows them in, glancing nonchalantly around the restaurant*

Edgeworth: Inside is more of the same kind of thing as the outside, kitschy memorabilia adorns the walls, mostly 'antique' advertisements for brand items and empty bottles of various kinds of beer. It's not so vapid consumerist as a chain restaurant, but it is certainly striving to be in some way. The waiters and waitresses, he notes, are dressed in matching dark green vests that each has customized with his or her name. As if to add insult to injury, a greasy scent hangs heavy in the air*

Waitress: *as perky as can possibly be* How many for you tonight?

Lana: *glances pleasantly from the decor to the waitress* Three, please.

Waitress: Righty-o! I'll just get you seated and your server will be right with you!

Lana: *the three follow the waitress to a booth with a rather large painting of Elvis above it. Lana slips out of her coat before she walks to the far end of the booth, taking a seat and accepting the menu the waitress hands her*

Ema: *pauses before sitting on the closer side, opposite her sister, and glancing at Lana and Mr. Edgeworth*

Edgeworth: *pauses, looking from Ema to Lana with a pursing of his lips. He says nothing, only raising an eyebrow*

Ema: *looks over to him* Well, don't just stand there, Mr. Edgeworth. Come sit down!

Edgeworth: *with a brief glance to Lana, he takes a seat next to Ema and accepts a menu as well. He clears his throat and looks at Ema and then Lana as the waitress leaves them to wait for their server* Now that we've entered, I do feel a bit overdressed...

Lana: *seems rather surprised, but hides a smile behind her menu as she glances at the options* Yes, but it's always better than the alternative.

Ema: *twists her lip into a pout, indicating that she clearly disagrees with this statement, as she tugs at her skirt again* Yeah, I guess so. *turns her eyes to the man sitting next to her* So, what have you been up to, Mr. Edgeworth? *a smile splits across her face* Now that you're Chief Prosecutor.

Edgeworth: *takes off his jacket and lays it across the back of the seat, turning back to Ema with a note of amusement in his eyes* Ah, yes, I was promoted several months ago. It's much different work than I've been used to, much of the time. No less challenging, of course.

Lana: *still glancing at the menu* And he's been doing quite competently-- I don't think the system has moved as smoothly as it has since he and Mr. Gumshoe were jointly promoted.

Ema: That's great! It's good the prosecutor's office has someone like you watching over it. *a pause, then* ...Oh right! Detective Gumshoe was promoted.

Edgeworth: *wryly* ...Much to the surprise of us all. Keeps him and his loose lips away from the defense attorneys, at least.

Ema: *laughs* Yeah. I remember when I was working with Mr. Wright awhile ago and ran into him. He... let a lot of things slide.

Lana: *laughs lightly* I'm sure he misses it.

Server: *the server arrives, a slightly pimpled teen who barely manages to balance three glasses of water without spilling. He takes out his pen and fiddles with it as his gaze shifts from Ema to Lana in a rather flustered manner* Um... Ready to order, miss?

Lana: *smiles pleasantly, glancing up from her menu* I'll have the chicken wrap, please.

Server: *swallows, nods, and writes that down*

Edgeworth: *opens his menu and flips through it in a cursory manner. When he speaks it comes out sharply, as if the server's incompetence has already begun to irritate him* New York Strip, medium, steamed broccoli in lieu of french fries.

Ema: Oh, whoops. *quickly opens the menu and scans through, then glances up* Ummm... could I have the chicken caesar salad, please? With ranch?

Server: Medium... broccoli. Ranch? Okay, I got it. *grins awkwardly at Ema* ...Oh, uh... I'll be back with your bread in just a second! *dashes off*

Edgeworth: *looks at the two of them* Now, then, what were we talking about?

Ema: *taps her fingers on the table* So, Lana told me you two have been taking ballroom dancing lessons?

Edgeworth: *looks to Lana for a moment before flicking his gaze back to Ema* Yes, we are. I feel as though I've improved quite a lot, and Lana is quite graceful indeed. As of yet we're still working on the waltz, but later we'll be moving to the tango... *a pause* Is it the dance that interests you, or...?

Ema: *slightly caught of guard* Well, not the dancing really, I guess. I'm, um, not so light on my feet. *chuckles, stirs her glass of water* I guess I find it interesting that you've been, um, spending a lot of time together.

Edgeworth: *sends a questing glance to Lana across the table. He lifts his eyebrow slowly*

Lana: *takes a sip of water, looking to Edgeworth*

Edgeworth: We have, yes. *looks out into the restaurant coolly as he lifts his glass of water and takes a swallow. He turns back to look at Ema* Lana and I are seeing each other. *there's the slightest curve on his lips as he actually says the words, but his expression is matter-of-fact with no trace of a smile as he falls silent, gauging her reaction*

Ema: *there's a pause, and for a moment Ema's face remains unreadable. Then she smiles* Well, Lana did mention you might be dating... so I guess it's not that much of a surprise. I did say to her you sort of suit each other, being so serious and married to your work and all that. *she laughs lightly* You better take good care of my sister, Mr. Edgeworth.

Edgeworth: *gives a small, somehow relieved smile in response* Of course I will. That, you needn't worry about at all. Now whether the two of us make each other's workaholic tendencies better or worse... Perhaps that is something to worry about. *a smirk*

Lana: *laughs quietly as she looks from her sister to Edgeworth* Well, we've certainly helped curtail each others' behaviors so far, wouldn't you say? I can't remember the last time I've gone out for so many consecutive weekends, even before--

Server: *she is conveniently interrupted by the teenaged server coming back with two basketfuls of bread. Oblivious to the rather awkward moment, he places the items on the table* Here you go, miss!

Lana: ...Thank you. *uses the chance appropriately, taking a piece of bread and beginning to butter it on her plate*

Ema: *coughs lightly and reaches for a piece as well*

Edgeworth: *at Lana's words he becomes stonefaced, though his voice doesn't betray anything* Mm. It's not too terribly hard to find entertaining things to do with someone with such good taste.

Lana: Common tastes, at least. *her mouth twitches in a slight smile, though she's a good deal quieter than before* You might not enjoy how many trips we've made to the LACMA, Ema. *takes a bite of her buttered bread*

Ema: *presses her lips together* I probably wouldn't. *butters her bread while she speaks* Remember when you tried to take me there when I was little? I got bored and complained so much that you ended up taking me to the Science Center instead.

Lana: Yes, I remember. And we revisited the Science Center quite a few times after that, too. ...You had so much fun playing with the exhibits.

Ema: *smiles, as she muses* Yeah. I remember they had some pretty fun ones... like how to grow bacteria or how pulleys worked. I'm pretty sure they had a forensic sciences workshop once, too.

Edgeworth: *reaches forward and picks up a piece of the bread, splitting it and eating it dry* I believe they had a traveling forensics exhibit around last year. It wasn't entirely accurate, but it was well put-together.

Lana: There isn't anything like that going on for the moment, but we could always make a visit there this week. *smiles softly* For old times' sake.

Ema: *takes a bite out of her bread and chews thoughtfully* It's too bad I missed that exhibit. I would have liked to see it, though it was probably just the basics. *looks across to Lana* I wouldn't mind going sometime soon. See how it's changed since I've been gone. Maybe we can if I move back.

Edgeworth: *looks up* Oh, yes. When were you thinking about doing so?

Ema: I've been considering it for a little while. I'm still not sure, but I might try to apply for a position at the station and move back into town in the next couple of months. I think I've been over in England long enough.

Lana: It will be nice having you here in the city again. And in the house, till you find a place of your own. *shakes her head* I still think of it as a big step...

Ema: *not unkindly* Don't worry, Lana. I can handle living by myself. I've been doing it for quite awhile now, you know.

Edgeworth: *nods* That's good to hear. Still, unless you have enough to get your own place right away, you ought to stay with Lana. Aside from keeping your sister happy, *there's a slight sing-song in his voice, almost a teasing tone* it is a prudent financial decision.

Ema: *eyes him out of the corner of her eye* This coming from the man who once owned a sports car and had quite the collection, if I recall correctly, of expensive foreign teas.

Edgeworth: *unfazed* I still own a sports car, albeit a newer model. However, I also have the financial means to pay for such things, though I acknowledge that they are luxuries.

Lana: *hides her smile behind her glass of water* I wouldn't mind even if you wanted to go apartment hunting right away, Ema. And I'll help regarding the finances until you can stand on your own. *shakes her head* I just have trouble not thinking of you as my little twelve year old sister-- still. Though I'm always happy to see how much you've grown.

Ema: *shakes her head, but she's smiling* *with a teasing tone* Geez, Lana, you'll be treating me like a little kid even when I'm your age now, won't you? *she adopts a thoughtful expression* But, seriously, I would appreciate staying with you once I-- if I come back. And I'll reimburse you for any kind of financial support you give me. Though, I should be able to manage fairly well on my own... I've been doing somewhat of a graduate assistantship with one of the forensic experts in Stowe, so I've got a decent amount saved up

Edgeworth: Impressive. Someone raised you right, it seems. *a bit of a smile*

Lana: *shakes her head, both at Ema and at Edgeworth's compliment* Don't you worry about that. *she seems quite content, however, and any prior awkwardness is lost as the server arrives with their dinner*

science science science, ilu mr. edgeworth~, mr. edgeworth, lana, scene

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