[[OOC: Contents under aren't necessarily bad, but the context they are taken from is very adult. JUST A WARNING.]
[As the Dreamberry is in Naomi's pocket
at the moment, there is no actual video until she replies later. For now, all anyone listening in will hear is very far off noises. The rustling of fabric, a few soft mumbles and cries, a distinctly male muttering of 'I don't care what matters to whores', and then other noises that would be very familiar to adults, but hopefully not to any other more innocent people curiously tuning in.
After a short period of time, there is a sudden lull in noise and movement. Silence long enough that people may even turn the broadcast off thinking it is over. Then suddenly, the loud thunk of someone getting hit on the head by something very heavy, followed by the sound of a body dropping motionless to the floor.
Oppsie, Naomi's replies will be after she wakes up, though expect her to be both groggy and irritated when she realizes what's happened. Especially when she finds out what he did after knocking her out, that jerk.]