Challenge 13 Winners

Dec 10, 2009 12:56

This weeks bannermaker will be farscapeoneas msj_shanks has gone on a nice holiday. Banners will be posted as soon as I can get them ready.

Congrats to the winners. The entry posts have now been unscreened.

Battlestar Galactica

1st: farscapeone

2nd: angail

3rd: emmiere

Best Color: jasminago

Mods Choice: roadrunner1896


1st: jasminago

2nd: jasminago

3rd: gizmonic

Best Color: jasminago

Mods Choice: anakg

Stargate SG1

1st: farscapeone

2nd: angail

3rd: gizmonic

Best Color: gizmonic

Mods Choice: gizmonic

1st: jasminago

2nd: lexlemon

3rd: angail

Mods Choice: anakg

Don't forget to get your icons in for this weeks challenge HERE. It ends on Sunday and we don't have any entries so far.

challenge 13, winners

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