Thoughts On: Summer Movies

Jun 05, 2013 23:32

I just got back from a preview screening of The Heat and I that got me to thinking that I should write down some thoughts about recent films I've seen. For my own frame of reference, at least.

The Heat: A (release date: 6/28 in US)I had tickets for an advanced screening, so I got to see it about a month early (and for free, booyah!). I have to say ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

lmichelle599 June 6 2013, 22:07:14 UTC

I recently became obsessed with the IronMan fandom. I liked IM3 much better than the second one, but the original is still my fave.

IM3 had good (and a little over the top) action sequences, good plot, the right amount of romance between Tony and Pepper. If there's not a fourth installment, I'd be fine with it because they did resolve a lot. However, I will miss Tony if we don't see him in Avengers 2.


scifi_tv_addict June 12 2013, 02:49:54 UTC
Yeah, I think this did a good job resolving IM enough that we don't need anymore standalones for him...I'm sure he'll be back in Avengers 2.


lmichelle599 June 12 2013, 22:32:57 UTC

I'm sure they'll wave enough money in front of RDJ, he'll do it. I just hope Gwyneth will be involved as well cause I need my Tony/Pepper. :)


scifi_tv_addict June 17 2013, 03:51:40 UTC
Oh, I'm sure. As much as I enjoyed IM3, I kind of want them to take a break from his solo films for a bit...give some other characters a chance (and by that, I mean some female superheroes like Black Widow or Captain Marvel). RDJ seems to love playing Tony, so I'm sure he'd love to keep doing it...Paltrow perhaps less so. However, RDJ seems to adore her and has fought for Pepper and Pepper/Tony in the who knows.


far_to_nowhere June 7 2013, 01:25:11 UTC
"On an unrelated note, F*&# you, Game of Thrones."



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