Summary: Part of a series (the rest can be found here:, called, “brilliant and quietly horrifying,” that sharpens and explores Loki’s segregation in Asgardian society through the meaning of being “real” and sentience. These themes continue into a Post-Avengers world where Tony and his A.I.s begin to struggle with the same thing. Basic Inspiration for the series: Frigga was so protective of her son Thor that she won't let anyone else near him. To ensure the prince will not be lonely the Allfather commissions a golem to keep him company, constructed of white birch to grow over time. Loki becomes Thor's closest friend and confidant, but then Thor grows up.
Author notes: Reading the rest of the series might be helpful.
Warnings: Child neglect earlier in the series and some discrimination. Mild references to violence,
( ... )
(may not be final title)
Author: gekkoryu (cephei of AO3)
Fandom: Marvel verse with an AI twist
Big or Mini Bang: Big
Genre: Drama?
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Part of a series (the rest can be found here:, called, “brilliant and quietly horrifying,” that sharpens and explores Loki’s segregation in Asgardian society through the meaning of being “real” and sentience. These themes continue into a Post-Avengers world where Tony and his A.I.s begin to struggle with the same thing.
Basic Inspiration for the series: Frigga was so protective of her son Thor that she won't let anyone else near him. To ensure the prince will not be lonely the Allfather commissions a golem to keep him company, constructed of white birch to grow over time. Loki becomes Thor's closest friend and confidant, but then Thor grows up.
Author notes: Reading the rest of the series might be helpful.
Warnings: Child neglect earlier in the series and some discrimination. Mild references to violence, ( ... )
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