[Round 6] First Story Excerpt Post!

Apr 15, 2014 14:35

It's the fifteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post! Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)
Please include the following information in your comment:
  • Fandom:
  • Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)
If your snippet has adult content, you must link it back to your ( Read more... )

.round6, [snippets]

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Comments 23

stars_inthe_sky April 15 2014, 20:50:10 UTC
Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (with bits of other Terminator canons mixed in because alternate timelines)
N.B.: Third part of a three-part series following Savannah Weaver into adulthood. This part takes place a few years after John's appearance in the future in "Born to Run ( ... )


lrthunder April 15 2014, 20:50:56 UTC
Fandom: Star Wars
Other info: Takes place during the Clone Wars, although no spoilers for any of the specific shows, books or comics.

Sarx was alarmed now. “Do you think the Separatists have landed a force there?”

Amron shook his head again. “No, sir. That’s something we don’t have to worry about, at least. Our scanners haven’t picked up any droids or other Separatist-associated individuals. Whoever or whatever is on this planet isn’t connected with them. Sir, we need help.”

Sarx grimaced. If the Senate was reluctant to fund the Institute, they would even be more reluctant to send clone troopers to investigate. “I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, protect yourself at all costs ( ... )


hokuton_punch April 16 2014, 15:20:28 UTC
Ooh, this sounds interesting!


moon_blitz April 15 2014, 21:59:42 UTC
Fandom: Doctor Who ( ... )


enmuse April 15 2014, 23:19:34 UTC
Fandom: MCU based ( ... )


moon01234 April 22 2014, 18:35:03 UTC
So sorry I've been absent. School's been hectic with lot's of reports demanded. I'll be back in business after tomorrow, if you are still willing of course. *bows head in shame*


enmuse April 22 2014, 19:34:24 UTC
I'm hardly gonna say no if you're still interested :)


moon01234 April 22 2014, 20:01:12 UTC
Still am. However, can I ask that you send the word doc version, please ? I thought that I could note it on pdf (I used to have an app for it) but it doesn't work.

On the other hand, the few snippets I could read were very interesting. :D :D :D


dracoqueen22 April 15 2014, 23:21:36 UTC
Fandom: Transformers ( ... )


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