creative type things

Jul 09, 2008 11:43

I just had a poetry explosion. This doesn't happen often, so I'm posting them here.
These are character driven, though not all of them are blatant about that.

Something compels my fingers to your skin…
I need to taste your life again.
Take me in
Take me
Tell me it's all ok
Tuck me in with your fairy tales and perfect smile
Sit with me for a while.
Let your eyes hint at what your lips will never tell.
Pull us up from hell.
You hum when you hold me
Are we dancing for you?
Are we?
Do you have a proper line-
For this scene we play.
Or have the lights gone dim?
Red velvet scraping low, scuffed woodwork.
That was our end once.
My curtain pulled low and kissed your face.
I was done and you were bent.
This love was spent
It's all gone now.
Just a shiver on my shoulder-
Somewhere near your kiss.

About near misses and the way people try to take things for granted as long as they can. Post Torchwood book The Twilight streets. POV Ianto Jones.
Whisper to me softy.
Weave for me those lies
They keep me warm at night
Keep me close to you
Where enemies should be.

Some intimacy isn't all roses and perfection. Early Jack/Ianto relationship. Ianto POV.
Light in this place is a commodity
Do we remember the sun?
Or just the hum of internal halogen lighting
Synthetic heat and cool-
Synthetic breath in our lungs.
Makes you wonder right?
Synthetic us.

What makes us people? POV Starbuck, Battlestar Gallactica
Weave for me a pattern
Stretch for me a line
Tell me some thing wretched
Touch me so devine
Hold me to your shoulder
Sink into your skin
All these things gone colder
Spark to life again.

Once in a while all a person needs is someone else to bring them out of their personal darkness. Starbuck/Apollo, Starbuck POV.

Tell me what you think. I don't consider myself a poet so I'm not going to be crushed by honesty.

characters, poetry, fandom

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