Read the article first about last week's ep. It's very good and I completely agree with everything he says *until* the end.
I think a Kurt/David relationship needs to happen. Blaine, Kurt’s gaydian angel, is so incredibly Kurtesque that their relationship would essentially be masturbation. Kurt/
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Comments 17
I had bullies too. One persistent bully, to be more specific. And even If they/he give me an apology, I would never, and I mean NEVER, be able to see him/them as a couple. It's so... I don't know. Disturbing? Bullies are mean. They hurt. Maybe they're more hurt inside that people can even imagine, but that's not enough reason to make them lovable. I feel sad for Dave. I think it's everyone's fault that he hates himself that much.
But let's not get confused -Kurtosfky is NOT a good message AT ALL. Hate/love are not that close. You can beat something.
However, I like Kurtofsky in fandom. I read it, but only when it seems a bit real. Kurt being turned on by Dave's evilness? SHIT, NO.
In my opinion, Gleeks are a bit wrong. Max Adler is really nice. I like him, I totally do, I think he's gorgeous and a great actor. But he's that, an actor... not his character.
Thanks again for this :)
In this crossroad, Glee via Kurt and Blaine CAN choose to reach out. Kurt has this chance to grow and become a "man" by being the advocate for Dave Karofsky. There's a way to straddle this fence. Don't jump the shark and get them together, but don't dismiss the fact that they have something good going on here. Good in the sense of character and storyline development. This is also another perfect excuse for New Directions to be the quintessential freak show support system and accept Karofsky into their fold.
I do think that Will needs to do more about them, but I think he's trying to take baby steps with them. I'm reminded of how Puck blew up at him in the principal's office last week when he's was simply trying to help him.
I felt the same way last season about Rachel though. It seemed to be okay to put her down and treat her like crap because she was the "annoying" one. And, ironically, it was Kurt that was bullying *her* last season! I'm really glad they had that moment this season where they seemed to be starting a tentative friendship (and not just Kurt lying about it to try and sabotage her and Finn)--though of course Rachel is the one who reached out first.
I hope Kurt (and maybe Blaine) find a way to reach out to, be there for, Karofsky as a support system and maybe, eventually, friends. But damned if I want any touching beyond a firm handshake. Seriously. I gag thinking about the cake-topper touch. Not because I find Karofsky physically repugnant, I don't, but because Max Adler sold the confused menace in the gesture.
Though the extra details *do* add to the squick factor! I didn't know about the power dynamic thing. Ugh, epic Fail.
Again, totally agree about the Kurt/Dave thing. I support a tentative friendship WAY WAY down the line in the future, but I couldn't stomach a romance between them. The cake-topper scene was awesome! Max and Chris totally sold it. Max with the menace and Chris with the quiet terror. And the fact that the scene *was* quiet made it that much scarier.
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