Amber Benson's vampire was totally like Angel just without that pesky curse. Also, she makes a decent vamp, someone so should have turned Tara instead of letting her die.
Um, please to be showing me more fighting between Sam and Dean, it's just hot.
I like Helen, she is kind of cool.
Dean is so incredibly broken but I think beating the crap out of vamp hunter guy helped him out. So yay. *g*
Metallicar! You live again!
Oh! That song they were playing at the beginning was the same one that they play on that horrible Audrey Hepburn Gap commercial and as such I no longer like that song because the commercial pisses me off so much.
John Winchester was just about the worst father ever in the history of the world. He fucked his boys up something fierce.
So, how did Sam get into Stanford? Cause I don't see the boys having time for school, or ya know excellent grades. Just what did the boy write in his essay? I'm sure this has been brought up before but I've never seen it addressed, not that I've actually been looking or anything.
Grey's Anatomy
So glad McWhinywhorepants isn't preggers. She and McDouchebag do not need to have offspring, with each other or other people.
I think McSteamy is a douche. He and McDouchebag belong together.
Addison is in hell. Poor Addison.
I still have mad love for Preston and Christina.
What kind of a dumbass lights a flame with O2 up their nose?
I know McSteamy didn't just give Bailey the brush off! That girl needs to get her NAZI back on and beat his ass.
8.7 million dollars, I'm just...
Denny! I misses you, yo.
Veronica Mars
Lamb is such a douche. I hope he chokes and dies, except not really because I actually want him to get as much screen time as possible because OMG Muhney is mighty awesome!
What do Homer Simpson, Shawn Hunter, and Neal Schweiber (Freaks and Geeks) have in common? The actors who play them on TV were all in this episode in Wallace and Logan's Intro Soc class. Does this mean Dan Castellaneta is a fan? Cause I don't see him needing the work? If so awesome! Did everyone catch the "D'oh!" he let out as he was leaving the experiment towards the end of the show?
I want more Logan and Wallace interaction because they are just about the best duo ever. I loved the side bet they had going on. I also loved how Logan realized just a split second too late that the clock had been changed. Oh well 'tis for the best, Wallace is my boy but I'd rather see Logan streaking any day. *g*
So do the students in the Sociology class not know anything? That experiment they took part in was famously done like 40 years ago with disastrous results. If I had been in that class I would have told the prof, "fuck that, I'll gladly do the paper to avoid the emotional trauma of your little experiment."
I think just about the cutest seen ever was when Logan and Veronica crossed paths in the food court. They are OMG so cute together. Rob Thomas better not break them up!
Weevil, where you at yo?
So Keith's storyline continues to confuse the fuck out of me. I have no idea what is going on with him. I did love the mutual consoling between him and V that was nice.
I don't really have much to say about Veronica's storyline. Well, I could, but I don't really care that much to write it up. I will say good on her for working in the library.
One more thing, I found it particularly interesting that Logan did not raise his hand when prof what's his name asked the class how many of them said they could never torture someone. Poor emotionally fucked up woobie Logan. I knew he would do well as the prisoner, it's not like fake prison is any harder than real prison.
Man I still have no idea what the fuck is going on with half of the cast but I'm loving this show.
Hiro is probably my favorite because he's us.
I don't know about that girl that Suresh is hanging with, I just don't think she's legit.
Peter is hot and angsty and Milo Ventimiglia so he automatically makes my favorite right behind Hiro.
When I figure out who's who and what's what I'll write more on this show but right now I'm absolutely loving it and have to say it is my favorite new show.
Studio 60
Harriet Hayes is cool. I like her. I can't believe I just said that a Southern Baptist was cool.
I think I may just love Nate Corddry's character like alot.
Matt and Danny are completely gay for each other and there is much fic to prove it, yay!
Ricky and Ron proved that they are made of awesome with this ep. I really hope that Matt starts to use them more because I really do love the guys playing them.
Cricket scores, hee!
Christine Lathi rocks, so I hope we will be seeing more of her character.
I still don't quite know what to do with Jordan, I want to love her but something is just off.
I know people have been saying that they aren't liking the show but I'm sticking with it because I'm easy and Matt/Danny is totally OTP land. *g*
I don't really know what to say about this episode. For some reason it didn't grab me like the shows usually do.
Gibbs really needs to shave the 'stashe.
Ziva continues to rock.
Ducky figuring out where the bullet ended up was simultanously gross and extremely cool.
Um, that's about it.
HOLY FRAK! My shiny show is back! Hee!
Lee is a fat ass, he needs to lay off the bon-bons yo.
I totally think that Kara's "off-spring" is an adult cylon mind in the body of a child. It and Leoben are so playing Kara.
Jammer, Jammer, Jammer what the frak is going on? Why are you a sell out?
What up Tom Zarek, long time no see. He and Laura are kind of cute together but I think daddy Adama might have something to say about that.
Poor Cally, she is just fraked no matter what happens.
I do like that Galactica!Boomer and Caprica!Six seem to be on the human's side. That bodes well for us. 'Cept for the fact that they seem to get shot alot.
Could we just not dye Helo's hair, cause it looks really bad.
I love that Daddy Adama has put so much trust in Caprica!BoomerAgathon, of course it probably means she is going to bite it.
I never want to see Dean Stockwell having sex ever again. OMGsoscarredforlife.
Just when I start to like Ellen Tigh she goes and sells them out. Bad Ellen.
Gaeta is kind of totally awesome, please to not be a toaster, kthx.
There's much more to mention but that's good enough for now.
The Colbert Report
George L. from California totally made Stephen's night, and mine. Hee!
Ha, and people say I watch too much TV. Shows them.*
*That they are right, of course.