Title: Unlikely Meetings
Pairing: Taiga Sae/Imamura Miku
Fandom: Gaoranger
Rating: G
AN: References Gao vs. SS. Post-series
It isn't easy, returning to her 'normal' life after being a Gaoranger, still too alert for any sign of trouble, still waiting for the other shoe to drop, but Sae is determined to persevere, not wantint to let the ache of no longer being White rule her. She returns to her martial arts school, but after being a Gaoranger she no longer feels she's learning anything there and she starts debating whether it's still worth attending or whether she should just finish out the term and then cut her losses, try to find her place somewhere else. It feels like she's trapped in the middle of some tangle she can't find a way out of, at least not until she finds the right place or moment to start unravelling the whole sorry mess.
She's still turning her choices over and over in her mind in the combini during her weekly shop and really, it's because of that that she almost misses her. Sae's head snaps around, because it can't be her, can't be who she thinks it is... but it is. Imamaura Miku, MegaPink. Formerly MegaPink, just like she's now formerly GaoWhite. What were the chances of the two of them being in the same place like this? They had to be small, it seems to impossible that coincidence could bring them together like this, especially now. She wonders if she should call after her or if she should leave well alone. Miku-san might not even remember her, after all.
Besides, Sae had been a different person then: frustrated but also lost, not able to blame her lack of confidence on the Org as the others could. Miku-san had helped change that, helped her to see how she was only hindering herself, helped her regain confidence that had been lost. But still, most of the brief time they had spent together, Sae had felt like an awkward little girl next to Miku-san and her open, friendly confidence.
But maybe it will be different now, she thinks. Now perhaps they are more alike than they had been then. As Miku had fought and defeated Nejirejia, so she and her team have defeated the Orgs and now Sae is more comfortable with herself and what she can do: she knows herself in a way she hadn't back then and the person she is now? Wants to get to know Imamura Miku better. Taking a deep breath, Sae summons up her courage and grips her basket tightly.
"Miku-san, wait!"
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