Title: Falling Into
Pairing: Kai/Sae
Fandom: Gaoranger
Rating: G
AN: Post-series. Follow-up of sorts to
Bickering is Good for the Soul The first time Kai spent the night was really an accident. He'd been visiting and they'd stayed up so late between talking and watching tv that really it was too late for him to go home, so Sae just rolled out the guest futon for him and said goodnight. When she woke up the next morning she'd completely forgotten he had stayed until she walked blearily into the kitchen and found him there, barely more awake than she was and hovering over the kettle on the stove. He shoved a cup of tea into her hands and muttered something that she couldn't make out and couldn't be bothered to try and decipher at that time of the morning. She just nodded back and took a quick sip of the tea, more surprised than she probably should have been that it was drinkable.
It was both strange and yet not, having Kai there. On the one hand, it wasn't like she wasn't used to seeing him wandering around, not entirely awake and his hair a mess because he couldn't be bothered to comb it just yet, and on the other it was intensely strange to have him moving around her apartment, the tea and his own natural energy slowly waking him up. The mix of emotions wasn't entirely unpleasant however, so she contented herself with drinking her tea and getting some breakfast together.
It became... not exactly a pattern, because it didn't happen all that often, but decidely less strange to wake up to Kai's presence in her apartment, the quiet sound of someone else moving around and fixing stuff up no longer setting her fighter's instincts on alert. She had, however, yet to get a straight answer out of him as to why he had moved to Hokkaido and there were times when that lack of knowledge nagged at her until she was close to snapping in frustration. "The rafting's great here," he'd replied once, all innocence and she just knew he was making fun, even if she couldn't prove it. The answer changed every time she asked, but she thought that "It's not like there's anything in Tokyo for me anyway," was the closest to the truth she was likely to get, which made her reluctant to push any further.
And really? She liked having him around, more than she was entirely comfortable with admitting. She didn't know how or why, but somehow Kai's presence in her life was something she didn't want to be without and the thought of him not being in it was obscurely painful.
"What?" he demanded one Sunday morning, glowering at her over the rim of his cup. Not having spent the night this time, he'd come over early instead, muttering something about not having any heating in his apartment and not wanting to freeze his ass off while the landlord got the engineers in.
"Nothing," she replied, lifting her own cup to hide her smile. "Just thinking it's good I'm not expecting my dad to visit this morning."
As Kai promptly choked on his mouthful of tea, Sae didn't even bother trying to hide her grin anymore.
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