Title: Never Forgotten
Pairing: Maya/Kendrix
Fandom: Lost Galaxy
Rating: PG
AN: Post-Power of Pink and is possibly slightly depressing. -_-
It had been a long day, one where Maya was more than happy to simply collapse into her hammock at the end of it and do nothing but sleep. Unfortunately it was one of those rare occasions when sleep proved elusive and now she no longer had the option of climbing into bed with Kendrix and letting the soft sound of Kendrix’s breathing lull her into sleep. Opening her eyes with a huff of frustration, Maya studied the room, looking for anything that would help her relax enough to drift off, but instead her gaze fell on the photograph, the one that still had pride of place on the side table.
Swallowing hard she stood up and walked over to the table, picking up the framed picture of herself and Kendrix with their arms around each, hands clenching tightly around it. She tried not to think too hard about the fact that Kendrix was… gone, focusing her attention on the fight against Trakeena instead, but there were times when that resolve vanished. She liked Karone, she did; the girl was a good friend and teammate and she was someone to confide in when the guys just didn’t ‘get it’ as Kendrix used to say. But she wasn’t Kendrix, would never be Kendrix and Maya wasn’t proud to admit - even if only to herself - that there were times when she resented her for that. The two women were very different, but there were enough superficial similarities between them that sometimes, if she woke in the middle of the night and reflexively turned to face Kendrix, the loose blonde hair spread across the pillow fooled her for a moment, before she remembered.
Retreating to her hammock, photograph still in hand, she lay back down, trying to force some order onto her thoughts until finally she gave up. Kendrix was very much in her mind right now, there was no denying that and to try would be to deny everything she and Kendrix had shared, something Maya wasn’t willing to do. Closing her eyes, she cast her mind back over the few months (not enough, nowhere near enough) she and Kendrix had had, right from when they’d first met, back when Furio was trying to steal the Sabres, all the way through to the nightmare that was the Savage Sword. She remembered the way Kendrix used to fiddle with her glasses, (an incredible Earth invention that compensated for bad sight) the way she would smile, the way she gently teased everyone without ever once making them feel bad and most of all she remembered the kindness.
She missed Kendrix desperately and the pain was like an ache that would never truly go away, no matter how much time passed.
That was how Karone found her when the pink ranger returned to their quarters: asleep on her hammock, photograph held loosely in her hands, dried tear tracks on her cheeks. Looking round the room, Karone found a blanket tucked away in a drawer and took it out, lightly resting it over her sleeping roommate. Easing the photograph gently out of Maya’s hands, she set it back on the table: Maya would never forgive herself if the frame got broken.
She stared at the photo for a moment, feeling once more the pang that she wasn’t living up to the job she’d been entrusted with. “She misses you,” she said softly. “And I don’t know how to help with that.” She thought she was doing alright fitting in, holding the Sabre of the pink ranger, but while she could fill a physical hole in the team, she couldn’t replace a friend, nor did she want to. And whatever Kendrix had been to Maya, her teammate was clearly still feeling the loss, no matter how well she managed to hide it during the day.
“She needs you,” she finished quietly. “And I can’t be that for her.”