
Nov 08, 2006 16:54

Yeppers. Yep, yessiree. I dunno. Just kind of bored. I'm in a mood where I feel like I have a lot to say, and all the words to say it ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

penguin_ford November 8 2006, 23:51:28 UTC
Kill any and all persons in possession of nose goggles. And then come watch Top Model with me!!


magic_pants November 9 2006, 07:44:46 UTC
I know exactly what you mean.


volksstrum November 10 2006, 04:22:53 UTC
At your work! Go postal. Just don't accidently cap Cindy and Tyler... well nvm, go for Tyler. :p


volksstrum November 10 2006, 04:23:28 UTC
...don't tell him I said that...


scoffsatgravity November 12 2006, 19:14:07 UTC
Lol, I won't tell him. Actually yesterday was his last day at Orange Julius, so I don't think that will work. Are you angry at him?


volksstrum November 13 2006, 05:11:47 UTC
you could say that, but I'm not losing sleep over it either. Especially because of his unreliablility has landed me in a better position than I was before. A new and deticated band! :D


sir_cyclone January 7 2007, 20:29:02 UTC
Hah I gave you better advice. I don't know if you remember it but I think we had fun doing it.


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