suckmyflame I can't find Igneel. Where do you think I should look?
I don’t know who this Igneel is, but I can say look where ever you fucking can. Ask around in towns since people will have info. Also having a network of people all over the world helps in case they spot Igneel. The world’s a fucking huge place after all and there’s no way you can cover all of it by yourself.
minus5pts Dear Xanxus,
I am sailing on a ship full of picky assassins. We never stop for groceries, yet I am apparently expected to provide gourmet dishes at every meal. How should I proceed in order to avoid an untimely death? Also, what is your favorite type of soup?
Kuroyanagi Ryou
Dear Mr. Kuroyanagi,
I believe I said earlier we’re going to head to a fucking port a while ago. It would help if you got out of the kitchen now and then so you see what announcements I have. Also, investing in a good mail order service for ingredients helps if we don’t reach ports often. My favorite soup happens to be minestrone, by the way.
From an anonymous sender:
...there is this woman. No, girl. Yes, this girl. I'm deeply in love with her, and am willing to defeat her fiancee in battle to win her heart. My problem is... while I am out here, I am afraid that... they will get married. Due to this... I cannot focus on my training. It's killing me just to think about those two together! How... how can I get over this?
Dear Anonymous,
Can’t focus on your training because you’re worried the girl you love will marry her fiancée while you’re gone? Make it your damn goal to train even harder and find her again then! You’re going to fucking regret it other wise. If you want to win her heart, you need to do with every fiber of your being!
But if you really want to get over this girl, then you must do it with your will. Consider this as a form of mental training. From what I can tell, you’re a warrior of some sort. You must train your mind as well as your body if you want rise up to the top. If you can’t do that, you’re not fucking cut to be a warrior then.
riggingsnropes I can't believe I'm doing this shit..
Okay, so there's this guy I know who kinda sorta's got a thing for some other guy. The guy who my friend has a thing for is really amazing, and my friend really isn't even near the same level as him - but it's just how he feels, ya know? And it's not like the guy would ever feel the same way back, anyway - I'm pretty sure he doesn't swing that way.
And even if he did, he'd probably go for someone better. I mean, they're good friends, but my friend really doesn't deserve him if you ask me - doesn't really deserve him right now as just a friend, either. Always having to worry about what kinda trouble he's in..
So, my friend should probably just forget about it and keep his head in his work, right?
I wasn’t even going to fucking ask if this involved you or not. They could’ve sent in a note anonymously. Not that I fucking care anyway.... Look he won’t know until he fucking tries, alright? It’s better than living a life regretting what would’ve happened if he’d only said something to that friend. And besides, working all the damn time isn’t the healthiest thing you can do to yourself. Take up a hobby on the side to relive some stress or something.
orderliness How to win an italian's heart....
An Italian’s heart you say? You’re damn lucky I am Italian then. We appreciate the finer things of life. Good food, good wine, and well, just about everything. Italians also like freedom to do what they want. Of course, it also depends on the person’s personality, likes and dislikes and all that general relationship I’m not going to fucking reiterate because most people should know or should just fucking google it on their spare time.
marinegrandpa How do you be a good prince?
A good prince, huh? I’d say they have to be a damn good gentleman who devotes their life for their kingdom and/or princess. They need to be willing to go through hell and back, and even fucking die if that’s required for said princess/kingdom to be happy.
Say I have this really ugly face with scars and a really bad eighties mullet haircut and really crappy attitude. How do I get people to like me, should I just totally give up since I fail so much? oh yeah, I like feathers too.
- Totally not White Snake
Despite having a good feeling just who the hell sent this, I will put my aside my anger and will finish this damn thing. And there’s nothing wrong with feathers, damnit.It’s not a mullet either! They just need to put aside their pride now and then and learn to just suck it up. Don’t just fucking give up, put some effort in to changing yourself! God, I hate you anon.
Dear Abby Xanxus,
Even I talked to a lot of people, I still feel lonely at times. This ship has a lot of people, but I only talk to one or two. I have trouble getting along with some.
Maybe I should just leave and join another ship. What do you think? Which one do you think I should join? Is your ship open?
Thank you very much in advance!
A very confused person.
Dear A Very Confused Person,
That's one of the problems that does arise when you have a crew that's too fucking huge sometimes. Even though you're surrounded by others, it's easy to feel isolated as the crew breaks up into smaller groups, giving it a clique feel. Why does this sound like school all over again?
It maybe too soon for you to jump to another ship. Then again, I don't know how long you've been on that ship, so I could possibly be wrong in saying that. I say your best option is to give your crew another chance. Learn to interact more with other people. As for my ship, there are openings, but I hold some very high standards in hiring