Title: Unexpectedly Purrfect Pairing: KameNo Genre: Fluff (of the furry variety) Rating: PG Word Count: 11K A/N: This kitty!verse was made by the joint effort of krysyuy & I #PBnJ♥ Our muses churned and we pingponged drabbles at each other until somehow, they pieced together into a fic. Everything spiralled from the following magazine snippet:
In response to the question ‘If you were a pet, which member would you want to be owned by?’ (2012.06 Wink up), Kame answers "Taguchi. Even if he says things like ‘Don’t touch (that)…’ he seems like he would forgive me anything with the ‘mo~u♥’ type of feeling. I think I want to be kept as a cat."
Summary: A catastrophe and Kamenashi Nyanashi finds himself sortofmaybekindof falling head over tail for Taguchi.